Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Goodnight Moonlight Lady, Rock-a-bye Sweet Baby James

I dont know what was wrong with Jimmy last night but he just completely refused to go to sleep. He kept coming out and saying that he couldnt sleep. He wasn't being fresh, he just couldnt sleep. Soooooooooooo, I had this wonderful idea. C'mon Jimmy, lets go back to the rocking chair and we'll sing songs like we did up until he was four. hardy har har, the kid is getting as big as we are. I remembered all the words to Sweet Baby James but he's not 2 anymore. Is this a constant theme?? We barely fit into the chair. We settled by letting him fall asleep on our bed. Then of course, how does he get to the top bunk??? Slowly of course. It worked........barely. I had to lift him over my shoulder and climb up the ladder with him.
Connor was over the house today when I got home from work with his sister Catherine. Jimmy has started making plans with classmates for what they will do after school. We get phone calls from other kids saying that their mother says its okay with them to come over. He has good friends though.
Jack came out about an hour after bedtime. Lyn and I were on the couch. There he stood in the hallway and yelled out to us.....Hello, Hellooooo, quiermo.....Bup bup bup ba beee....right from the Numa Numa song. ahhhhhh

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