Monday, September 08, 2008

First Day of Kindergarten

HUGE day today for Laura. She was so excited from the moment she got up. We were both surprised at how cool she was and her lack of nerves about the whole thing. Its tough sending them off in a school bus....out of our control. The school bus driver was Jimmy's school bus driver Pat from his first two years so that made her feel a little more comfortable. Nana took the whole gang over to watch Laura get on the bus. She is such a big girl now.
After work I had to go over to the Irish Step practice and pick up Laura, Emily and Erin for the first practice of the year. All three angels fit in the back seat of my car. When we were about halfway home I heard Emily say to Laura "Why does he always sing"?...meaning me of course. She must have been saying it as a compliment, of course.
Jimmy and Mommy were going over his homework tonight because Jimmy was told by his teacher that he could "do" his work tomorrow instead of the homework being "due" tomorrow. A little bit of play with words I guess.
Jack saw Laura having so much fun with her back pack so he grabbed a spare one and wanted to jump on the bus too. Catherine cant wait till she starts pre-school next week. It had to be delayed one week due to her illness. She gave it to me and I spent the entire Sunday lying in bed instead of watching the Patriots. Its been a long time since I have lied in bed that long.

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