Thursday, September 11, 2008

Catherine starts dance

All the waiting for Catherine ended today. She loves dancing around the house and when Laura was always in dance Catherine was constantly talking about her going to dance. Dont you think their daddy could have taught her how to dance just as well???

Jack picks up everyones stuff and loves these glasses By the way, jack fell down and cut his face. Lyn told me there was alot of blood....ewww...poor little buggah. As soon as I saw him I remember one day before number 2, 3 or 4 when we were at the zoo(horse track) and Jimmy took quite a spill. He was quite cut up also. We have pictures from that fall because we went up north to the mountains the day after and rode the train at North Conway. His face was all cut up too.
Laura's bus broke down on the way to school today too. Lyn heard the phone ringing and looked at the number....after a frightful pause she answered and it was the school secretary calling to inform us of the broken down bus. Drama drama drama....
Laura also made a new friend at school. Her name is either joanne or Julia. This was a relief because she told us that she kept talking to people in her class and none of the classmates talked at all. Thats not her style. Jim Jim wont let her sit with him on the bus home because he's sitting with Charlie. Charlie's sister sat with Laura on the bus so she was happy.

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