Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Tonight I had to work until 7 at night and Lyn came by to give me a coffee with the kids in tow. When I got home it was time for the kiddies to go to bed. Laura had a book all ready for me to read. Not to be undone Cathering came over and Jack, of course, found one too to read.
Jimmy had also brought a shark book from the library with about a million words to it which we had to read too.
I got to sit on Jacks bed with Jimmy tonight and catch up on his life. He told me about how he is doing pretty good with the classes in school but is confused with some of the math problems. He has found a few new friends, one named Luke among the old stand-bys Clayton and Zach. With our heads cramped he asked me about getting eaten by sharks when we go swimming at the ocean.
Today was a volunteer day at Lauras kindergarten class. She is so damn cute and well behaved in class. My job was to watch 7 kids and help them with their project, which was one page of alphabet, one of numbers and five other pages of words they know and self portraits and such. Laura wasnt in my group so I had to peek over at the other table to see how she was doing....which was awesome.
Catherine is so excited about school which makes it so strange that she started screaming today when Lyn dropped her off at her class. i think the kids arent feeling so great because they seem to be sitting around a bit lately. She tells me every night that she has to do her homework too. We have some sight words on the basement door and she counts from 1 to 10 and then she's happy. Jack follows suit and has to say some numbers and then he's happy.
The kids all love to sit around the computer with me and sing mi la hee, otherwise known as numa numa. Jack will come up to my laptop and yell my la hee until i play the song for him. they all surround and sing that silly song including swinging their arms, saying hello, salude, quiermo un hiduke....Jack knows all those words...imagine the things that daddy teaches them. Its a romanian song with quite a history.

Here it is-


Anonymous said...

great song

Anonymous said...

That link was scary (David)