Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Bike riding, School and the boneyard

Laura has been trying for quite some time now to ride a bike without training wheels. Somehow something clicked in her and now she is riding like lightning, with some drama, of course. Same thing as with Jimmy when we taught him how to ride his bike. Once they learn how to fall everything else falls into play....yeah right. Once she starts to have trickles of sweat she runs into the house and says her head is bleeding and needs to get a cold compress. Its cute actually. Catherine follows suit because she is outside riding her bike with the training wheels. She's flying too and I got a feeling that she will be riding without the training wheels soon. Now Jimmy is another story. He still had the same bike from the last couple of years and its kind of small for him. The neighborhood kids came by and were riding their bikes and he joined them. He looked a little silly because it was so small. I think the other kids were making fun of his bike but to his credit, he kept on riding. I like that about him. Well, today he got a nice new bike. He was being exceptionally good lately so I told him that he and I had a little secret that I would buy him a new bike. Its a Mongoose and its cool.
Its just one little bit too big for him but he'll learn about how to ride it. He fell a couple of times. When Laura falls she lets out this big shriek, actually when she starts to weave a little bit she gives this shriek. Then she falls and she quits for a second but to her credit, she comes right back.
Today, Lyn and I took Jimmy to his second grade classroom to meet with his teacher and other students. He was a bit shy but he was like that last year too with his teacher. She's young and perty and likes the Red Sox so he'll be fine I'm sure. He knows alot of students from last year and from baseball...and best of all Charlie is in his class. What a nice kid he is.
One more thing, Lyn took the kids to Comcast to pay the cable bill. On the way is the cemetery where Grammy Franny and PopPop reside. When they took a cut through road, Laura said to Lyn "so this is the boneyard isnt it"?. Yes, Sponge Bob Squarepants strikes again. On the way home Laura asks if this is the place where Grammy and PopPop are. Lyn tells her yes.....all she says is "interesting". she wanted to go in and water the plants but Jimmy wanted nothing to do with it, he's a little sensitive still. I have to go have a talk with Grammy soon though, I dont think I can vote Democrat. She always said that if you voted republican your hand would stick out from the grave. The more I think about it I just might vote for my neighbor Roger again.
Tomorrow morning Jimmy starts, skool bus is coming early so it means breaking out the baseball gloves at the bus stop. Time to warm up the camera, its been lonely.

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