Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How the tooth left us...and more

For weeks we've been hearing about the awful pain the bottom tooth had been. She was beyond excited the other night when I looked into her mouth and saw the bottom tooth was bent backwards. She absolutely thrives on the drama. Even tonight after the tooth is history she explained to all of us how difficult it is to eat corn on the cob with limited teeth. Oh the pain she says. We are getting quite the collection of teeth. Both Catherine and Jack showed me how they think their tooth is about to fall out too.
Bedtime is getting to be drawn out with Jimmy still pausing and making up reasons to come out and talk to us before settling in. He is so passionate with whatever subject he comes up with. Its the most important thing...and oh yeah, what a coincidence the Red Sox are batting and he just has to stay up and see the rest of the inning. Jack just wont go to sleep...and when we finally get him in, its only a temporary thing, he'll be up at 4 in the morning. Both Lyn and I have slammed our heads on the bunk bed putting him into the bottom bunk.
Tonight Jimmy was jumping up to give me a hug before bedtime and headbutted my chin. I saw stars. He felt bad so I had to pretend it didnt hurt.

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