Sunday, September 28, 2008

Another Crazy weekend

At least they took a baseball break on Saturday to let the river pass through the field. Jimmy is supposed to have hockey on Saturday and Sunday but due to the fall baseball league he has limited the hockey to only Sundays...unless rain comes. He has gotten alot better this year with his skating. I was watching him around the net today (two goals of course) and some kid did a two handed swipe at him smashing him around the waist with his stick. It was on purpose. I kept my mouth shut. I asked him later on what was up with that and he told me that same kid gave him a hard time last year. It looked intentional. I suppose you just have to let the kids fight their own battles.....I got some of Pop Pop in me. I instructed him how to respond next time of course. Hope Lyn doesnt read this..........
I'm so excited that Jack has started watching Thomas the Tank Engine movies. It was so much fun when Jimmy was addicted to Thomas and all the train friends. He knew all the trains and used to watch it all the time. Jack points to the TV and yells "Tommy". Its a selfish thing because I had so much fun with those trains and bringing the kids to see the trains in the city. I remember the first time we went to see Thomas at Edaville, Jimmy was so mad because he thought he was going to ride in the conductors seat. He got over it. I catch him once in a while putting the train tracks together though.
Laura came with me to Jimmy's hockey today. She made a new friend name Emily. I was told that Emily thinks she's the boss of her. If I had a dime for every time I heard that line. We were driving back to the house from somewhere Friday and Aunt Jo was behind us in her car. I told the kids to wave to her and Laura was very thankful that the house was clean. Lyn always tells the kids whenever Aunt Jo or Nana comes over that they have to clean the house for them. Laura finds it so difficult to clean if no one is helping her. She gets so tired she says.
Catherine doesnt like to go to sleep lately. She slept over Nana's house last night with Laura and cousin Emily. She cracks me up. She doesnt take part in any of the two oldest drama...for the most part. If they are fighting about something stupid she wants no part of it.
It was Lyn's birthday today so we all went out to HeeHop for breakfast. Catherine insists on having ketchup with her pancakes. She eats the whole Mickey Mouse pancake. She's got a great appetite. After we got home there was a tennis match on the street until it got too hot for the girls. Their heads were bleeding (sweating) again so they had to go inside.
Jimmy's friend Steven came over today and they hung out for a while. Jimmy has pretty good friends. I'm surprised we didnt throw the ball today. He wanted to play volleyball with the beach ball instead.
We are instituting the kindness jar this week. I cant believe how well it works and we havent even started it yet. If the kids are nice about something we put a piece of paper with their name on it into a jar and at the end of the week one name gets pulled out for a special prize. Lyn and I were thinking the same long will it be before Jimmy starts writing his name on a slip and putting his own name in......Its what I would have done!!!!

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