Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Moving bed..not the burning bed cuz she had no matches

     Well, Lyn had a cold this week so she decided that it was best that the bed be moved from underneath the window to against the solid wall.  Which is fine except for the fact that my prostate gives up on me about three or four times a night and I have to maneuver my way around to the hallway then the bathroom for my relief.  It's tough enough having to find my way around Jack most nights, but now I have to remember that I am now the furthest away from the door....and in the middle of the dark night I have to remember the new route to the door.  Well, last night was a corn maze type of bathroom walk. , I know I got up but then there was a window that i wasnt used to, then there was a feeling around of sorts to find my way out.  To make matters worse, I ended up feeling my early dimentia setting in because I somehow ended up in the closet with nowhere to go, not knowing where I was or how to get out.  In the chaos (at 3am) there may have been some things knocked around and I truly had no freaking idea where I was in the room.  I hear WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? coming from the little italian....somewhere in the room.  Of course I tell her to not worry and to go back to what she was doing.....eventually...or miraculously I found my way to my pee place to start this whole adventure again to get back to bed.  I go to climb back in from the foot of the bed, which is no longer the foot of the bed but the side of the bed, to find myself have that feeling in my stomach that you get when you are falling somewhere to safely tucking myself back in......and then having a 6 year old terrorist come jumping into bed shortly thereafter.  She told me I was talking in my sleep later on in the morning....I can only imagine what that dream consisted of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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