Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween week at school

           I chose my vacation week about six months ago and October seemed like a great idea becasue I had done that last year and had a great time.  There was no hurricane last year though.  Onward we go and I had planned multiple things to do, which included two days of volunteering in the girls classroom.  The hurricanes came and the kids got two days off to be stuck inside the house, for the most part.  They snuck over to the cousins house for a couple of hours on one of the days.  Thankfully, I got to go into the school due to rescheduled activities.
    Catherine's activity was pumpkin math and Laura and her class did the halloween spider web.  The pumpkin math consisted of the kids taking out all the guck and measuring the circumference and separating the seeds for future counting.  It was fun, what kid doesnt want to play in that type of mess.  Catherine had such a good time and I was selected to bake the seeds at home after it was done.  Of course I brought them home, put them in the oven and might have left them in there a bit too long because Catherine told me that the teacher told her they were burned!! 

    Laura's class, got all this yarn and cut it in one foot lengths.  All the kids connected one string to another and after a while, the web connected the web all across the hall.  It was really fun and I got to do my own web too.  After it was all done the kids lay on the floor and looked above them and saw that they were surrounded by the web.  That hippie loves to laugh. 

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