Such lovely children eh?? Catherine is an Olympic gymnast, Jack is the guy from Six Flags (without the mask) and Laura is Cleopatra. Her friend Skylar is an evil witch, I think. Every year we go to this halloween party and every year I wonder how insane I am to do it again. There are games all around the gym and kids line up to play them for the prize of candy. Unfortuately, there is always a lack of volunteers so the lines move deadly slow, but not that slow, its just the total amount of people that are there...just crazy...but the kids love it and have a blast. Laura is now in fourth grade so i dont have to completely monitor what she's doing because she's got friends all over the place. Catherine jumped in with her friend Sydney. This is his first year in the school and everything is so new to him. He was so excited every time he would see some of his classmates. Here, he saw his friends Dean and Demarcus (?? , god only knows what his real name is). But he thought he was so cool telling them how he knocked down all the pins in one of the games. But Goodness gracious, its unreal how nostalgic do we get when we do things like this and can't help but remember just a few short years ago that Jimmy was doing the exact same thing. Its burned into my mind him running around and making sure he got the bean bag in the little hole of the plywood game. I think he was a little more ultra competitive than Jackie. Jimmy is in the sixth grade and sixth graders are way too cool for these parties.

Catherine was off with her friend Sydney and did the donut game with her so I didnt get her pictures but I was with Jack, Laura and TK. TK is a neighborhood kid that comes walking around and he is absolutely hilarious. One day he came walking into the back room and Lyn and I were sitting on the couch watching TV and there he is. I had never met him before and there he was.
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