Saturday, October 27, 2012

Guess where we went today.......And he can read too...

      He asked me if i was gonig to put this picture on the internet.  When I told him yes he told me that everyone will be mad at him because the sign says Keep out (really off but oh well).  At least its good to know he has a conscience.
      It was too beautiful of a day not to go and see Black Gordon.  I had to work in the morning and got out early so off we went.  He wanted to go to the Owl but when we got there he informed me that he had already ate.  He did order some toast with french fries. 
  Jackie also made sure that we brought a tennis ball because there is a special wall that he likes to play wall ball with me.  There are so many rules to this game its incredible.  He had broken a couple of fingers last year in december playing wall ball so i'm surprised he is right back at it.....but he is right back at it.  It shows a little toughness.

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