Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Earthquake Jack

I have to admit it,...we had an earthquake tonight here, 4.5, whatever that means, my first reaction was to run to the basement door and yell...JACK, WHAT DID YOU DO !!!!!!!!!!......poor Jack.  Jackie was very scared though and kept coming over talking about it....the kids are definitely a bunch of wimps when it comes to weather things.  Anytime there is a tornado warning on the television I hear all about it...usually from Jack.  He has his ears to the television and hears everything they say. Jimmy is a little more mature about it and knows that things will be fine, but that wasnt always the case.  He is getting much older now and it seems every time I look at him he is a foot taller.  I looked at some old pictures they other day from the blog and there he was, a little buggah, still watching blues clues and now he is almost as tall as Kara.  Tada, we blink and they are practically in high school...noooooooo, lets hope not.  Look out for those earthquakes though.

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