Monday, October 29, 2012

pumpkin disaster-2012

     Pumpkin carving is certainly not an art that anyone in this family has ever perfected.  The kids have a joke about how funky our pumpkins end up.  We hadn't done the pumpkin carving and didnt even have a pumpkin this morning.  Well, we have some but not any big enough to be our great carved pumpkin.  So of course this morning happens and we are in the midst of a hurricane with no great pumpkin.  There is no doubt in my mind that we are going to lose power and carving pumpkins is a great thing to do by candlelight. 
     The rest of the world is rushing into the aisles of the grocery store stocking up on water and canned foods, things to help them survive this impending disaster.  I feel kind of sheepish as I go into three different stores asking personnel if they have any pumpkins.  I finally did find one and it was a very good sized one. We didnt even have to carve by candlelight.  It was a good time with none of the kids freaking out about sticking their hands inside the guck.  
                                                I agree with you Jimmy, yucky stuff in there.
                           My little Catherine smiling, probably laughing at this lovely pumkin.
                                            Look at little Guido who wouldnt put his shirt on.
                                                      spooky pumpkin, beautiful gal

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