Thursday, October 30, 2008

Worst Pumpkin Award....again

There are more pictures, especially of the finished project so that all can fully appreciate the work and dedication it takes to bring such a lovely creation into this world. I try, I reallly do but year after year the damn thing just turns out to be the laugh of the neighborhood. Jack took part in his first pumpkin carving experience and enjoyed himself. Lyn told me her father used to make the greatest pumpkins. I told her that I was a singer, not a pumpkin artist. Its a good thing that you can decorate a pumpkin because otherwise, anything associated with pumpkins (pie..etc) are just gross. When I have to put my hand into it to pull the junk out it is so gross. Seems alot to do to get some pumpkin seeds to chew on. Maybe I'm just a city kid.

To Lyn, this is a holiday up there with Christmas. Tomorrow night Nana and Doe will be handing out candy at the house while we go around the neighborhood. The kids are all excited about Trick or Treating, this being the first year that Jack will be running around with them and kind of knowing what to do. It is a Robin Hood theme...I think.(Okay, I guess it wasn't Robin Hood, it was some other cat) Thankfully, it appears the weather is going to agree with us.

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