Saturday, October 25, 2008


Laura says the best part is blowing out the candles and making wishes. What did you wish for Laura? I cant tell you, it wont come true!

Jimmy had his last Fall Baseball game this morning. He did very very good. Last night he was a little shit...yes a little shit so I punished him and didnt allow him to play wii today. Anyway, at his baseball game I think the umpire was fried because the poor kid had two pitches about a good foot over his head called strikes. During one of the innings he made a spectacular play at short and threw a guy out at second to force him out. The umpire called the guy safe. It was his son and he looked at us twice to re-inforce that fact that he was calling him safe. Oh well. Jimmy had two hits during the game and started the game, pitching the first two innings with mostly all strikeouts and a couple of awesome defensive plays.

He had his punishment revoked because I was so proud of him for not arguing with the umpires. It is one of those things that I stress to him during the course of the year. I cannot say when I played that I would have handled it as well as he did. Good point to Jim Jim. He's sleeping over Zac's house tonight.

Baseball game ends and off to the movie theater where the girls met up with me. Makayla, Emily, Catherine, Erin and Laura all went to the beauty parlor for manicures. From there we all went to watch the High School Musical III at the movie theater. It was a long movie but all the girls loved it. In the end Catherine and Erin had just about had enough. Catherine made three trips to the bathroom during the movie and Laura only did once. I wonder at what age they stop holding their private parts when they have to go to the bathroom. she is so cute. The movie was about a bunch of high school student approaching graduation....I dont know if the kids followed it too much, because god knows I didnt. They really seemed to like it though. Especially Catherine, she just likes hanging with the older girls and playing it up with them.

After the movie we had a party over our house with pizza delivered. Laura got another American Girl Doll named Mia. I dont understand the need for more than one of them but I guess i'm not supposed to understand. She loved it and thats all that matters. when Zach came over to pick up Jimmy I had a couple of beers with his mom and dad. During that time Catherine and Laura claim to be bothered by Zach teasing them. I'm thinking its already starting. Meaning that girl-boy stuff....again...eeeek

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