Friday, October 03, 2008

Pizza and Dessert and a trip to the coffee house

Catherine and I had a date on Friday at the Coffee house. She had her Hot Chocolate with milk and a piece of Blueberry Bread. While we were there she went over to where the refridgerator was and started dancing to the music they had playing from a stereo above. She yelled for me to join her.
Friday night we had the crew come over for our Friday night Pizzafest once again. Cousin Marion, Umple Eddie, Aunt Chrissy, Kara, the cousins,Nana and Doe came over. There was plenty of Pizza and chocolate cake (Snickers style). Umple Eddie was showing Jack the Racing form for the next day. Jack seemed very interested but was just hoping for the Numa Numa guy. He just loves his Umple, as do all the kiddies.

Cousin Marion
Kara looking devious

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