Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Baby's birthday

Well, she's not really the baby but Laura turned 6 years old today. She was all decked out for school today and was grinnning from ear to ear all day. WILLIAM HAS BEEN GIVING HER COMPLIMENTS AT SCHOOL. Imagine. She was all flushed last night telling us (many times) about the compliments that William gave her...about her clothes and how she looked cool. errrr. Anyways, I promised her several months ago that she could get her ears pierced when she turned six. It was something that I caved on because I swear that I said she would have to wait until age 12. Emily had her ears done a couple of months ago so....PopPop called Penny and Patsy trollups or hussies when they got the ear holes...and they were older I think. Well, that day is coming soon. I'm thinking that Kara is going to bring her. On Saturday she will be heading out for a manicure and then off to High School Musical III. Emily,Erin,Makayla and Catherine will be joining her for the girls day. Its not New York City but it should be fun just the same.
I was just notified that it was not hussy or trollup but floosie. If the earring fits..........
Today I was able to go to Laura's school and read Five little Pumpkins to her class for her birthday. It was cool and I got to tell all the kiddos about how brave they are and how scared I am of the pumpkins that look scary at Halloween.
The chorus of calls came through tonight for Laura's birthday. Why o Why did the singing voice wait so long into the birth canal. I feel bad that I was the only one gifted with manilowsian singing talent. When everyone called they had to wish Catherine a happy birthday too so she wouldnt be excluded.
By far Aaron left the best singing message. Laura didnt know he was singing but after listening to it the second time she figured it out. The first time she looked at me and said "what was that?"When Thresa called Laura was talking to her about five minutes. I asked her who she was talking to and she smiled, laughed and said "I dont Know". But she was still spilling her guts about anything. I dont know what the next conversation was but I asked Laura what she was saying to Patsy and she laughed and said "she's crazy" and murmered something about Penny too.
Tomorrow night is Bruins night with Jim Jim. Great seats and we are taking the train too.
One of the funniest moments with these buggahs comes at night-time when they are all snuggled in tight in bed. We'll hear chatter coming out of one of the rooms and the only question is which one it is who is gabbing in their sleep. Usually, one of us will get up and assure them that everything is alright. Sometimes it is Jimmy sleep walking (hopefully no more in the bunk bed) but tonight it was Catherine. I walked into her room and she was kneeling on her bed talking jibberish. I went over and gently placed her back down into her bed, kissing her and saying nite nite. She went right back down on the pillow with a smile on her face. A devilish smile at that. She can be soooo cute. When Laura talks in her sleep she gets into these conversations about one thing or another. Thankfully, it is usually something funny. I wonder what they dream about.
Tomorrow Catherine has show and tell at school. She loaded up her back pack with all of her dolls. She couldnt decide which one to talk about so she just brought the whole motherload. I havent been able to volunteer in her class this year. I hope that changes.
Laura was all excited about the visitor she had at her class today. That William...he is a good kid though.


Anonymous said...


P.S. Is your law website up yet?

frank528 said...

no website yet, i'm still deciding on whether I should make it a pay site.