We are on vacation. Got this awesome house in NH. Swimming everyday, in between the raindrops and then some shopping. Laura treated me to a puppet show the day before we left. I had to paint the paper bags so they could talk to us.
Jimmy, Laura and Catherine all are swimming so good it amazes me. Today both Jimmy and Laura went to the distance dock and were jumping off into the deep water. Laura had her swimmies but Jimmy went without. He is getting more daring. Lyn had a little booboo with the rear drivers side tire. Doe and I had to travel a couple of hours this morn to get a new tire. I swear the people up here are smoking dope.
The other day i was downstairs ironing my clothes when Lyn asked me to come upstairs. Jimmy, as usual was out on the front lawn running the bases but there was a lady that had come walking by that caught Jimmy's attention. Lyn and I stood at the front window and watched Jimmy speak to this lady for what seemed like forever. I dont know what the heck he was saying to her but the conversation seemed to be one-sided just by seeing the way his hands were moving. When he came into the house i asked him what the lady said and he told me that she just said hello....oh god. I dont even know if she spoke English. Lyn gave him the lecture about strangers but you know how good that lasts.that goes.

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