Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Irish Stepper

This week has just been beserk. There really hasnt been much time to sit, never mind type anything. The highlight of the week so far has been Laura in Irish Step camp. Maura is running an Irish step class every night for two hours. Laura LOVES it. She gets up in the morning and gets her bag packed as soon as she's out of bed. She doesnt have to get there until 6pm. tap tap and then a sideways fling and then some more taps.
Monday we brought her down to the class and I told her that I was going to take the class with her. The hall was a little hot. On Tuesday she told Lyn that we had to take an air conditioner with her because Maura was too hot during the class. When Lyn explained to her that it wasnt an option she said that she would settle for the fan in my room. Maura has been picking her up and dropping her off at Nana's house. We met her there tonight and she was showing us all the dance steps that she had learned today. Catherine and Jack, of course followed and did their version of the dance. Catherine would tap tap and run sideways into the hallway all the way from the living room. She is dying to do some of these things. Jack just keeps tap tapping. Jimmy just shakes his head and wants no part of it.
Jack just keeps smiling all day long. He keeps saying all different words and saying hi to everyone he sees just as long as they dont talk back to him too much. He's a snuggler and loves hugs and kisses. Every morning when I leave I can see the top of his head from the eyes up, at the front window and he makes a clenched fist and releases it, his way of saying bye bye.
Catherine and Laura still request that I trip two times from the front door to my car. Now they want three trips. the other day I almost landed on my butt tripping for them.
Jimmy was downstairs playing Xbox tonight when Lyn took the kids to Nana's house for Maura to pick up Laura. Every at bat on the Xbox game, he would come running up the stairs and give me an update on what was going on. He would make me guess who was up, who made an error. I was trying to take a nap but it wasnt happening.
Both Jimmy and Laura are always asking about Grammy Franny and Heaven. They loved her very much. Laura was talking yesterday about how she loved the gifts GF used to give her. She talks specifically about some Hannah Montana doll or bag. Lyn would buy things for the kids and tell them that they were from Grammy and the kids remember all the things that Grammy gave to them. Catherine asks about GwamFwanny too but she doesnt quite understand it as well as the other two. We certainly miss her alot.
The next two weeks we are on vacation and i'm sure there will be lots of swimming and tennis involved. Lyn bought me a new tennis racket. The kids have been playing tennis on the street in front of the house usually using a hockey ball or wiffle ball.
Jimmy has worn out the front lawn again where you can see where all the bases would be and the area of home plate is well worn once again after the grass came in for a short while. The other day he was running the imaginary bases. He'd stop and talk strategy and then either steal a base or tag up from a fly ball. He is going to be playing fall baseball this year with older kids. I think he'll do okay.

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