Tuesday, August 26, 2008

update to Patriots game entry

As I was reading over this post I remembered a moment from the last family christmas party where I recieved my portable grill. When everyone was doing the Yankee Swap, Grammy Franny had picked out a gift that someone had put in that contained a Chia Pet in a nice gift bag. I was worried about her for a minute because she kept it close to her and just kept holding it. I went over to her and protectively told her that there were a lot of better gifts for her. She told me that she really likes these types of plants. Something should have stirred in me but I dont ever remember her with any type of plants like those before, especially a Chia pet. Her age was a factor and everything always seemed to be overanalyzed because of that and because of our over protectiveness. I should have known better because about two minutes after the final gift was given I saw her reach to the bottom of the gift bag containing the Chia Pet and she magically pulled out $30 worth of scratch tickets. In the legal world that would be called insider trading. The kids, especially Laura, still talk about her all the time. Laura keeps asking about how the proper way to pray to Grammy Franny is. Patrick dropped off her bingo bag at our house last week and Laura wanted me to find a way to give it to her. She's still a big part of our life. In some ways it is sad but in other ways there is still a chuckle for the funny moments she gave us.....all the time.

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