Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Moose Sighting and Preaching

In the morning the three oldest sit on the other side of the counter and Doe is cooking on the griddle. Jimmy calls it the "Doe show" and they all stare at him cooking like he is a cooking show. In the morning Jimmy yelled up to Laura to hurry up so they could watch the Doe Show.

The pictures werent working for me once again. Today the rain decided to come back and soak us up. We went to Weirs Beach area and to this indoor place that had all kinds of arcade games, candlepin bowling and bumper cars. The bumper cars were these little cars and they lasted about two minutes before the time ran out on them. I would have to run out on the track and put a token in the car for another two minutes. The place was absolutely packed as everyone else had the same idea. Jimmy, Laura and Catherine were circling around the bumper track and I was standing in the middle of the track looking around for each one of them to run out of pep. At one point, I looked to the outside of the track and this lady was talking, no yelling at me in a loud manner. It startled me for a second and I asked her if she was talking to me. Assuring me that she was talking to me, she let me know that there were other people waiting to use the cars. If I hadnt waited for thirty minutes to let the kids get a car I might have just ignored her. Instead, I explained to her that I had waited a while and the kids had only been on the cars for fifteen minutes. Miss Nosey, again in a loud manner, disagreed with me again. It was at this point I informed her that she was a liar. She kept speaking loudly. At this point I had no other option; I had to inform her (tone for tone) the good Lord Jesus does not think highly of those who lie. I did it in my best preacher tone too. I may have even called her a sinner. Lyn was mortified but understands my mental illness.

On the way home Lyn wanted to take a little detour and see some of the neighboring towns and beaches. Up ahead we saw about ten cars pulled to the side of the road. Being the rubberneckers that we are we pulled to the side of the road and the kids got to see their very first moose. Pretty cool.

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