Monday, August 18, 2008

nite nite time

Girls went first tonight...because it was their turn. Went into the boys room and was talking to Jimmy and he was postponing the inevitable talking about Tom Brady. Catherine comes crashing into the room....went something like this....

C: (whining and weepy) Daddeee, laura called me bad name
Me: What did she call you?
(pause, silly look at me)......she pitter patters back into her room
C: Laura, what you call me again ??

Jim Jim and I started laughing and that pissed her off more than anything.
Sooo, i bring her into her bedroom and she's still mad at Laura, so I sit on the bed and just asked Laura to say she was sorry to Catherine. Now, Laura starts crying because she didnt say anything.....I got them both together and we joined in a wonderful song of Coooombiyah....that made them laugh. I picked Catherine up and was bringing her across the room when she screamed that Laura had kicked her.
What to do, what to do

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