I always think back to the first trip to the ducklings when Jimmy was just a couple of months old. Everyone walking by stopped and stared at how cute he was sitting on top of one of the ducklings. He had this huge head but never stopped laughing the whole time. We havent missed a year since. Hopefully they dont get sick of it.

Today was the day we decided to make the annual trek to the Common and see the Swan boats. We found the ducklings and the baseball field full of puddles too. To start Jimmy was taking batting practice to the right of home plate. After his two tennis ball pitches Laura and Catherine would take turns with the wiffle ball bat and wiffle ball. Jack would come in and join whenever he wanted. I love it when he hits the ball and run run runs away. The ball kept going into the infield puddles so we moved the action to the makeshift homeplate Jimmy had carved out behind second base. Jimmy took one pitch and hit it far over the center field fence. The look of excitement on his face was priceless as he raised his hands way up. He kept asking me in the afternoon if I remembered him hitting that homerun as he went over it again. Its amazing how good he is getting in baseball.
Later on, we were sitting on the grass in between fastballs and soccer ball games when Laura and Catherine went up to these two girls who were braiding each others hair and asked them to braid their hair. The girls asked us if we minded and we didnt.
After we got home Umple Eddie, Kevin and Emma and their kids and Nana and Doe came over for some Cheeseburgers and hot dogs. I kinda burned the hot dogs but they were eaten anyway. Umple Eddie started a fire and we ate smoors until shower time. The kids really love their Umple.
***** PS to aunt Patricia, I changed your picture from my Godfather day.
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