Thursday, August 07, 2008

My sixth grade teacher and a Day at the beach

Laura made a new friend named Mia. Mia's brother was Sebastian and he and Jimmy became fast friends too. They had another kid named Chloe that made fast friends with Catherine. At around 10:30 this morning we decided to go to the beach even though the sky was dark. Mia's mommy was with her three kids for the same reasons and at first we were the only ones on the beach. Eventually we willed the sun to show up for three hours.
We were sitting on the chairs looking out onto the wonderful water when Lyn told me that she recognized the guy sitting directly behind us on a beach chair. She said he looked like my elementary school teacher named Dave. I quickly dismissed that thought after taking a quick glance. Sure enough, about a half hour later I was bringing Laura to the bathroom, walked right by him and sure enough it was my sixth grade teacher. We ended up talking for quite a while with alot of laughs.
We stayed on the beach until about 5pm.

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