Tuesday, August 12, 2008

We made it through the Rain

Again, whenever these two get together problems erupt.

Have to add a little Barry into everything. Vacation house was an awesome time for all of us. We would love to have a house like that for the summer every year but that is wishful thinking. Its only money. Jimmy and Laura are turning into the typical brother and sister. They arent that bad but just enough to drive you crazy.

Kyle and Christina slept over on Sunday night. They are both good kids. Kyle is so funny. He asked me if I'm embarassed to drive a minivan or is it only when I'm drunk.

We learned a couple of key lessons over the weekend. Lesson number one is that white shorts are transparent when wet and lesson number 2 is that rasberry vodka is not nutritional, nor should it be part of your lifetime diet. Just absolutely unspeakable stuff.

Jack and Catherine have overcome their fears of the water and both had no problem going up to their belly and walking around. Catherine had so much fun this week. This year has been so fun just to stand by and watch her in everything that she does. She fascinates me. At one point Laura, Makayla, and some other girls were making a pool with sand walls and putting water in teh middle. Catherine stood and watched them for a little while and she was so interested in what they doing. She burst into action and got a pail and filled it with water and slowly took care to stare at what she did. I could see the neurons working. She seemed to be so happy with herself and what she was doing. There were so many of these moments all week. I kept thinking to myself that I could sit and watch her all day.

Laura is a social butterfly and made new friends with a bunch of girls all week. One of the girls I wasnt too fond of because she pushed Jack twice. The other girls, Mia, was a doll. I was sad to see her parents leave.

On the last day we were at the beach it started to rain (again) and just prior to the rain Jimmy had gone to the car to get something. We were walking back to get some of the things to put in the car and Jimmy noticed that his brand new volleyball was not where he had just placed it. He FLIPPED. We both went looking and asking people. I felt bad for him because I could tell it really hurt. One of the people from the Association came over Just as Jimmy was yelling "call 911" . Well, luckily someone returned the ball a couple of hours later. Nana had just bought it for him the day before and he really took some pride in it. We were all happy about it.
On Sunday Bill, Thresa, Maura, Aunt Chrissy and Uncle David, Aunt Janie, Jackie, Makayla and Dominick all came up to visit and we had some awesome ribs on our barbie.

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