Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Fathers Day to Camden Yards and more


Its been a busy time in the household since all the schooling ended this year. Fathers Day (the most important holiday) came and we kept up the annual tradition of going to the beach. This year it was pouring, pouring rain down on us. We couldnt let a little rain stop us so we went to Browns with Nana, Doe and the ump. After eating, Nana and Doe left and the rest of us ended up going to arcades. The kids played those games, including skeeball, that gave tickets to redeem for prizes. They won great stale gum and plastic pencil dolls shaped like a dead, bald cat. Laura loves it and it is still on her wall. When we went to Browns for the seafood the kids got chicken fingers and fries. I'm not so sure they are really into seafood...that is except for Catherine. That girl will eat anything. She's the one that I know will eat all the food from the garden. She was eating the seafood with me, suckin down my food. I ate too much anyhow.
Speaking of the garden.....The little seedlings are starting to sprout. The first row of the garden is filled with pepper plants. You can see the little buds beginning to take shape. I am hoping by vacation time we'll be bringing them with us to eat. The rest of the veggies are looking good too. Just call me Farmer Jim.
Last year, James asked me about going to an away game for the Red Sox. I told him sureeee, we'll go. As the conversation went on, over the course of two weeks, we settled that one day soon we would go to Camden Yards in Baltimore and watch the Sox play the Orioles. Summer turned into fall that turned into Spring and the kid did not forget. So umple eddie, James and I bought tix around March and our time to go to the game was this past weekend.
It worked out great. We paid months ago for both the tickets and the hotel so all we needed to do was show up. Jimmy had never before been on an airplane. The night before our departure he was up all night. It was midnight and Jimmy kept coming out to the living room making up one reason or another to stay awake. He gets so excited and there is no way to avoid it. Wide awake as morning rolled in, he went to bed late every night while we were in Baltimore too. On the plane he was great. When the plane started taking off he seemed to actually enjoy it, even the initial ascent into the air that twists your stomach in nots. I had to look like I was cool with it all while he was experiencing this for the first time. I'm not good at take offs and turbulence on airplanes and it damn near killed me going through the clouds. Up above the clouds Jimmy looked down and could see the ground and the beautiful white puffy clouds. He wanted to know if this was where heaven was.

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