Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ramblings and more

Once again my shift has changed and i'm understanding there is no way that we'll catch up with our amount of entries the blog had in 2008. Thats what facebook does to you.
The kids have been SOOO busy. Each one of them has had mega activities going on to keep them busy.
Jimmy has been playing in a Summer baseball league that has him playing right through the summer. We played three games this week and thats because there was a rainout one of the days. He's getting awesome. He pitched twice this week getting the save in one game and suffering the loss in the other. In his second at bat in the big tournament game he hit a shot over the center fielders head. I gasped. He's eight!!! Okay Dad, not too much bias there..but it was a great hit. We've been discussing whether or not he's going to play Fall baseball this year and figuring out how to fit in hockey also. I hope he does them both but we'll just have to deal with it if he cant.
Laura has been in and out of different pools this whole summer. She is such the swimmer. When we went to the beach last week it didnt matter that the water was absolutely freezing, she just jumped right in. Uncle David's pool is spring fed so the water is the temperature of the ground. This means that its usually pretty cold. She is not slowed by this in any way. Such an athlete that kid.
Now Catherine had a huge, huge day today. After much anticipation she finally entered the world of Irish Step Dance. She was so, so, so cute all week long anticipating this dance camp. I got to tell her the other day that Maura was having the camp and she was invited. I've got to find a way to be able to calm these kids, or distract them when they get so excited about these things. Jimmy has been like this lately with his baseball games too. Now after the dance class she was in heaven. We got to see the last dance they were doing before they packed up. Laura does pretty darn well and Catherine had learned just fine. She was looking all around copying what the other girls were doing. Maura is the new Elvis around the girls. What a thrill to watch Catherine tonight though. She is a kid you could just sit and watch all night long. She's so happy, content, talkative. She's hard to stick an adjective to but you just want to hug the heck out of her.
Now Jackie...oh that jackie. He's a cute one. what a personality on this kid. He holds nothing back and lets everyone know what he's thinking and feeling. He's so fun to be around. I feel bad because we really havent gotten to play enough baseball together but i'm sure that will come. I'm thinking of bringing him and his mommy to the movies soon. He has to have the alone day like the rest of them. I keep forgetting that he's two.
We are loving the summer once again and once again it is going by like lightning. Love those smiles though.

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