Monday, July 13, 2009

Sunday Family Day

Thankfully, Sundays have been a family day for some time now. Usually, it involves a trip to Black Gordon and then we go from there or end up there. Many times through the past years GF would know just to stop by the trains and more often then not we would be there. We have shared some pretty awesome time doing basically nothing but climbing on top of the stairs of the black engine with a tender. The trolley runs directly behind it and I bet the conductor for the trolley cringes when we come along...probably not because there usually is not alot of company on Sundays.
This past Sunday after a particularly busy week we ended up doing what we do best; heading out to Black Gordon and then going from there. This Sunday meant for us to go crashing into the breakfast trailer, eating pancakes (with ketchup for Catherine) and then heading out to start the day. It ended up being a 8-9 hour day just going from here to there. We made an unscheduled stop at Umple Eddie's house where the kids tore apart Eddies kitchen and searched around for all the junk food they could eat. The red sox were on Eddies huge television and Uncle Bobby and aunt Paula had some hot dogs already cooking on the grill so the kids were very happy. Those two girls are such snoops. Laura and Catherine were off snooping all over the house. Had to keep an eye on them. I remember a couple of years ago we were over Aunt MaryEllen's house and Laura asked her if she could go see her bedroom. She did end up showing her. Anyway, we stuck around Eddies for a little while and then decided to go to Aunt Chrissy's house for some pool fun. Uncle David broke out the Steak tips, burgers and dogs. We were joined by other members of the family always too numerous to mention. Ump and Paula joined us over the pool and both went swimming. The pool is very cold but Paula's nickname is the Polar bear so she didnt seem to mind swimming in the freezing cold. I almost forgot that Jack went into the pool and was letting Paula and Eddie carry him around the shallow end. It was good to see him let Paula take him. The kids really like Ump's family.
By the end of the day we only forgot three pairs of shoes. Thankfully, jackie brought them to the house so we could minimize the drama.
All day long I felt so uncomfortable because we didnt bring my friend Canon with me.

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