Sunday, June 14, 2009

Another weekend done

Such a cute weekend with the kiddos. The flower finally bloomed on the kids favorite rose bush. That Laura is so cute with a huge, huge heart. Tonight we did her science project on the senses. Of course we didnt quite read the instructions fully. We only had to do one sense but we ended up going to Michaels and got boxes and opaque (as if I knew what opaque was) containers for filling of smelly and loud things. It was a good thing to do with her though. Jimmy decided that he wanted to hang out with Nana and Doe today. They were supposed to go to Jacob's game but it got rained out so he just hung out with them all day. Umple came over later so Jimmy ended up playing some baseball with him for a while in the back yard. Well, Ump decided that he wanted to clear the debris off the roof so I let him. All went well. Jack watched intently and wanted to go up the ladder to help him but luckily we stopped him in time. Catherine was tired and even put herself to bed which was unusual.

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