To Lyn, this is a holiday up there with Christmas. Tomorrow night Nana and Doe will be handing out candy at the house while we go around the neighborhood. The kids are all excited about Trick or Treating, this being the first year that Jack will be running around with them and kind of knowing what to do. It is a Robin Hood theme...I think.(Okay, I guess it wasn't Robin Hood, it was some other cat) Thankfully, it appears the weather is going to agree with us.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Worst Pumpkin Award....again
To Lyn, this is a holiday up there with Christmas. Tomorrow night Nana and Doe will be handing out candy at the house while we go around the neighborhood. The kids are all excited about Trick or Treating, this being the first year that Jack will be running around with them and kind of knowing what to do. It is a Robin Hood theme...I think.(Okay, I guess it wasn't Robin Hood, it was some other cat) Thankfully, it appears the weather is going to agree with us.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Where is the Saw?

About thirty years ago Patsy and Penny were over Patsy's house. Sean had found a way to maneuver his head in between the spokes of his bed and got his head stuck there. Kevin was traumatized when they went for the saw thinking they were going to cut his head off. But first.....where is the camera.
Fast forward to last night. Catherine comes running into the living room yelling to me that Laura is in trouble and she needs my help. I look into the room and all I see is Laura's legs flapping like a Kibby. She had been standing on her bed, dropped a poster behind the headboard. She laid down and put her head behind the headboard looking for the mushroom part of the poster she had dropped. One problem though, she had managed to to wedge her head against the wall behind the headboard. Oh the drama.....No, I didnt run for the camera like the sadistic twins. Damn, wish I would have thought of it!!! I called Patsy and Penny tonight to inform them that they were the first ones I thought of when this happened. Penny talked to Laura on the phone and told Laura that she was lucky her head wasnt squished like a tomato. The therapy that she has driven these kids to.
Monday, October 27, 2008

Jimmy has created once again the lineup for the opening game of the 2009 season. Uncle Bobby (Eddies brother) is in center field and Uncle Patrick is leading off playing shortstop. I asked him why I was batting ninth and he told me that pitchers bat ninth in national league stadiums.
Bill will be happy to know that he is the closer and I really dont know what Jamie is...something about heart. Aunt Jo is in left field. We are going to have to put up that green monster wall by opening day. Charlies dad is playing third and Mom was very proud to know that she was playing first base and batting second. Uncle jerry is in his customary number 3 spot in the order. Cant wait for the opening pitch. I think i'm going and groove one in and show them who owns the plate. He was talking earlier about David playing and I'm thinking that he put him on his team. The debate was whether David was a kid or an adult. I guess he won out.
I also must remember that we have a bet on who will win the world series. He picked the Phillies and I had the Rays. I owe him a sprite I think. He'll come up with something else I'm sure when its time to pay up.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Laura says the best part is blowing out the candles and making wishes. What did you wish for Laura? I cant tell you, it wont come true!
Jimmy had his last Fall Baseball game this morning. He did very very good. Last night he was a little shit...yes a little shit so I punished him and didnt allow him to play wii today. Anyway, at his baseball game I think the umpire was fried because the poor kid had two pitches about a good foot over his head called strikes. During one of the innings he made a spectacular play at short and threw a guy out at second to force him out. The umpire called the guy safe. It was his son and he looked at us twice to re-inforce that fact that he was calling him safe. Oh well. Jimmy had two hits during the game and started the game, pitching the first two innings with mostly all strikeouts and a couple of awesome defensive plays.
He had his punishment revoked because I was so proud of him for not arguing with the umpires. It is one of those things that I stress to him during the course of the year. I cannot say when I played that I would have handled it as well as he did. Good point to Jim Jim. He's sleeping over Zac's house tonight.
Baseball game ends and off to the movie theater where the girls met up with me. Makayla, Emily, Catherine, Erin and Laura all went to the beauty parlor for manicures. From there we all went to watch the High School Musical III at the movie theater. It was a long movie but all the girls loved it. In the end Catherine and Erin had just about had enough. Catherine made three trips to the bathroom during the movie and Laura only did once. I wonder at what age they stop holding their private parts when they have to go to the bathroom. she is so cute. The movie was about a bunch of high school student approaching graduation....I dont know if the kids followed it too much, because god knows I didnt. They really seemed to like it though. Especially Catherine, she just likes hanging with the older girls and playing it up with them.
After the movie we had a party over our house with pizza delivered. Laura got another American Girl Doll named Mia. I dont understand the need for more than one of them but I guess i'm not supposed to understand. She loved it and thats all that matters. when Zach came over to pick up Jimmy I had a couple of beers with his mom and dad. During that time Catherine and Laura claim to be bothered by Zach teasing them. I'm thinking its already starting. Meaning that girl-boy stuff....again...eeeek
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Bruins Hockey

What a blast we had tonight at the Bruins game. We took the train and as is the custom got dinner at the McDonalds at the North Station. First row balcony, center ice...cant really complain much about that.
We made it on the JumboTron. We were dancing by the rail and the next thing you know we are on the jumbotron for all to see. THEN, those little Bruins gals, the ones partially clothed went running around throwing t-shirts into the stands. We ended up with two of them. T-shirts that is. The first one (again I'm talking about the t-shirt) I caught as she was throwing it to the second row, the next one the guy above us caught it and gave it to Jimmy. Of course the T-shirt was big enough to fit both me and Jimmy in it, it doesnt matter, it was still cool to catch it.
The team lost 4-2 but that really didnt matter. During the game there was a guy on the screen who kept doing funny dances. He was a fan in the audience. At one point he just lifted up his shirt and started rubbing his belly....what a riot...Jimmy laughed for about five minutes straight. On the train home Jimmy imitated the dance by dancing and rubbing his belly.
During the game Jimmy insisted on calling Aunt Jo and he just wouldnt let her go. She likes talking to him so I didnt interrupt until the bars disappeared on the battery. Those two got a little special bond going on ever since birth.
The train rides were pretty cool. Jimmy was so hyped up the ride flew by. He has a million questions and he still is fixated on how and why cars get towed. For some reason I think he believes its like the car being arrested or something like that.
He's such a cool kid.....But sometimes he is that little buggah. The other day he was being not so good. I dont really remember too well what he was doing but he had to be spoken to. It was probably something stupid but he was being a 7 year old. He starts going on and on about how mean we are and how its not fair.....the normal stuff. He's sent into his room. He comes out shortly thereafter carrying a copy of........(pause for drum roll).....THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. yes, young James comes walking out of his room with the new ten commandments! I think it was the fourth commandment or something that said "Be kind to others". He started yelling at us telling us as much. It was hard to take him serious or get mad..which we should have been, the ruler should have come out and whatever else you can think of.
I tried bringing up the old Honor they Mother and Father but he would have none of it.....Gonna call him Moses.
He also told me that alot of kids in his class have been calling him Blackie (because of Blackie Smith)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
My Baby's birthday
Well, she's not really the baby but Laura turned 6 years old today. She was all decked out for school today and was grinnning from ear to ear all day. WILLIAM HAS BEEN GIVING HER COMPLIMENTS AT SCHOOL. Imagine. She was all flushed last night telling us (many times) about the compliments that William gave her...about her clothes and how she looked cool. errrr. Anyways, I promised her several months ago that she could get her ears pierced when she turned six. It was something that I caved on because I swear that I said she would have to wait until age 12. Emily had her ears done a couple of months ago so....PopPop called Penny and Patsy trollups or hussies when they got the ear holes...and they were older I think. Well, that day is coming soon. I'm thinking that Kara is going to bring her. On Saturday she will be heading out for a manicure and then off to High School Musical III. Emily,Erin,Makayla and Catherine will be joining her for the girls day. Its not New York City but it should be fun just the same.
I was just notified that it was not hussy or trollup but floosie. If the earring fits..........
Today I was able to go to Laura's school and read Five little Pumpkins to her class for her birthday. It was cool and I got to tell all the kiddos about how brave they are and how scared I am of the pumpkins that look scary at Halloween.
The chorus of calls came through tonight for Laura's birthday. Why o Why did the singing voice wait so long into the birth canal. I feel bad that I was the only one gifted with manilowsian singing talent. When everyone called they had to wish Catherine a happy birthday too so she wouldnt be excluded.
By far Aaron left the best singing message. Laura didnt know he was singing but after listening to it the second time she figured it out. The first time she looked at me and said "what was that?"When Thresa called Laura was talking to her about five minutes. I asked her who she was talking to and she smiled, laughed and said "I dont Know". But she was still spilling her guts about anything. I dont know what the next conversation was but I asked Laura what she was saying to Patsy and she laughed and said "she's crazy" and murmered something about Penny too.
Tomorrow night is Bruins night with Jim Jim. Great seats and we are taking the train too.
One of the funniest moments with these buggahs comes at night-time when they are all snuggled in tight in bed. We'll hear chatter coming out of one of the rooms and the only question is which one it is who is gabbing in their sleep. Usually, one of us will get up and assure them that everything is alright. Sometimes it is Jimmy sleep walking (hopefully no more in the bunk bed) but tonight it was Catherine. I walked into her room and she was kneeling on her bed talking jibberish. I went over and gently placed her back down into her bed, kissing her and saying nite nite. She went right back down on the pillow with a smile on her face. A devilish smile at that. She can be soooo cute. When Laura talks in her sleep she gets into these conversations about one thing or another. Thankfully, it is usually something funny. I wonder what they dream about.
Tomorrow Catherine has show and tell at school. She loaded up her back pack with all of her dolls. She couldnt decide which one to talk about so she just brought the whole motherload. I havent been able to volunteer in her class this year. I hope that changes.
Laura was all excited about the visitor she had at her class today. That William...he is a good kid though.
I was just notified that it was not hussy or trollup but floosie. If the earring fits..........
Today I was able to go to Laura's school and read Five little Pumpkins to her class for her birthday. It was cool and I got to tell all the kiddos about how brave they are and how scared I am of the pumpkins that look scary at Halloween.
The chorus of calls came through tonight for Laura's birthday. Why o Why did the singing voice wait so long into the birth canal. I feel bad that I was the only one gifted with manilowsian singing talent. When everyone called they had to wish Catherine a happy birthday too so she wouldnt be excluded.
By far Aaron left the best singing message. Laura didnt know he was singing but after listening to it the second time she figured it out. The first time she looked at me and said "what was that?"When Thresa called Laura was talking to her about five minutes. I asked her who she was talking to and she smiled, laughed and said "I dont Know". But she was still spilling her guts about anything. I dont know what the next conversation was but I asked Laura what she was saying to Patsy and she laughed and said "she's crazy" and murmered something about Penny too.
Tomorrow night is Bruins night with Jim Jim. Great seats and we are taking the train too.
One of the funniest moments with these buggahs comes at night-time when they are all snuggled in tight in bed. We'll hear chatter coming out of one of the rooms and the only question is which one it is who is gabbing in their sleep. Usually, one of us will get up and assure them that everything is alright. Sometimes it is Jimmy sleep walking (hopefully no more in the bunk bed) but tonight it was Catherine. I walked into her room and she was kneeling on her bed talking jibberish. I went over and gently placed her back down into her bed, kissing her and saying nite nite. She went right back down on the pillow with a smile on her face. A devilish smile at that. She can be soooo cute. When Laura talks in her sleep she gets into these conversations about one thing or another. Thankfully, it is usually something funny. I wonder what they dream about.
Tomorrow Catherine has show and tell at school. She loaded up her back pack with all of her dolls. She couldnt decide which one to talk about so she just brought the whole motherload. I havent been able to volunteer in her class this year. I hope that changes.
Laura was all excited about the visitor she had at her class today. That William...he is a good kid though.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Landscaper gets owned
Patrick was showing off his lace tying skills to Jack...much to his appreciation.
Umple Eddie is in a sleep study tonight at the local hospital. I dont think there needs to be anything else written on this subject to make it a belly laugh.

dragged this picture out of the archives
Last minute replacement

Laura's teacher called me this morning because they were short of volunteers in the classroom for the day. The class was supposed to go to Pumpkin picking today and were cancelled due to rain. Due to Deval, this leaves the teacher shorthanded so I stopped in for a little while.
As I was sneaking a cell phone photo of the classs Laura, the ever studious one, was raising her hand to answer a question. Next Wednesday is her birthday.
Sean and Karen had a baby boy named Matthew today, so the kids have another second cousin. I had almost forgot that he was due on Laura's birthday.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Field Trip

Today was the trip to the old Colonial house. There was an old house, barn , craft area and blacksmith shop. I was in charge of the blacksmith shop and barn and gave a tour. Oh, the answers I made up to some good questions. Hopefully, they weren't tested for accuracy. It reminds me of an old TV sitcom where the kids get the answers from their parents. One of the things were the guy that ran the blacksmith shop before me was name Blackie Smith ( I made that up). When one of the girls asked if it was the same as the one in Sturbridge I told her that was his cousin Wacky Jackie Black-Smith. So I made up half the stuff.
The barn had old 1800's tools and machines to shuck the corn. There were saws for cutting the ice off the pond and willows, which I had to demonstrate my willowing techniques. Jimmy was smiling the whole time with Charlie, especially when they got to run outside.
I had an awe moment when I asked Jimmy what his favorite part was and he told me that it was me coming with him. He's so cute when he wants to be. Well, that moment lasted about ten seconds until he said that his real favorite of the day was outhouse and where they went to the bathroom. Puts me right back in line dont it!!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Still my little cowboy
He was very good this weekend. He will always be my little cowboy. I cant believe how good he is in baseball, he pitched in a game on Saturday against older kids and faced four kids, struck three of them out. I try not to inflate his head at all but I think he knows how good he is.
While watching the Patriots tonight, I was playing on the computer and found our favorite song......figured i'd get creative.
While watching the Patriots tonight, I was playing on the computer and found our favorite song......figured i'd get creative.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Happy Birthday Jack- Two years young
Happy Birthday my little buggah. He loved it !! All the cousins showed up including little Claire, the smiling little cutie. The Thomas train cake was awesome and didnt taste that bad either. Jack was a little bit overwhelmed at everyone singing to him. He loved it until he realized that everyone was looking at him and singing his name. It was only for a second but he kind of let out a cry after the song. I dont know how she does it, but Marion is out of key after the first word every Happy Birthday song. Jack is absolutely crazy about her though, bad singing voice and all. Dominick and Jack have become fast best buddies. They play so well together. Jimmy had his buddies Charlie and Conner over tonight as well as Jacob.
Jacob and I are going to bury a treasure chest next week in the back yard. We are going to include a five dollar bill that we will use for ice cream in the spring......but its a secret we cant tell anyone. Erin came running up the hill in the back yard and told me that Jack had taken her swing. I told her to go down the slide and he will probably follow her so she will get her swing back. She came running back to me and said "Big Jimmy, its working, its working". 
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Changing Diapers
Jack came walking into the living room while Lyn and I were sitting on the couch. Lyn was laughing telling me to look at Jack. As he was sitting on the ground he had brought with him the wipes and his diaper as well as his chocolate lab puppy doll. I thought he was signalling for me to change him as he does once in a great while. Nope, he was showing us how he could change his little puppies diaper. He kept saying "puppy, puppy".
Tomorrow is his second birthday. We got the cake all set....I think.
Monday, October 06, 2008
Another cradle filled...Welcome Josephina
Saturday we went and got a yard of loam for that stubborn area of the lawn that stays discolored as well as the makeshift infield that has become a staple of the front area. The kids helped rake out the dirt keeping most of it on the lawn. Catherine was doing her best plumber impression. They all took turns helping the old man and little woman out.
Saturday night we all went over Nenee's house for a family party. We used it as a Birthday party for Jack, who will be two this Friday.
The highlight of the night for us was Catherine and her new friend. I cant even come up with an adjective for her excitement in getting an American Girl doll. It was so exciting just to watch her face all night after Lauren gave her one of her American Girl Dolls....named Josephina. It was so fun just watching the smile on her face all night. It was one of those moments that makes you happy to be a parent. She was floating on air, just smiling and looking at that doll all night long. She couldnt quite comprehend that she could keep it. The girls got a suitcase filled with clothing too. She is a happy child but its probably the happiest I've ever seen her. Beaming, how about that....maybe thats the word. Personally, I just couldnt keep my eyes off of her.
Jimmy had that same look the first time we went to Fenway. It was a couple of years ago when we went to the Futures at Fenway games. . Lyn and I were sitting a row behind him when we all first sat down. He had seen Fenway on TV many, many times before. We just sat and watched him. He had that eye opening look where he was just speechless panning from left to right field. He was just frozen staring at the wall, then to the bullpen and beyond. I swear it just takes the breath out of you. For Laura, it was the American Girl Doll day, taking the taxi and then seeing hundreds of those dolls all in line. Definitely the benefit that makes everything else worth it.
Little Franny was also at the party Saturday night. She is a cross between Little Patrick and Maggie. Overall, a very good time with lots of laughs.

JimJim had to have a picture taken to bring into school for some class project. He set up the photo shoot and told me where he wanted to go and how to pose.
Saturday night we all went over Nenee's house for a family party. We used it as a Birthday party for Jack, who will be two this Friday.
The highlight of the night for us was Catherine and her new friend. I cant even come up with an adjective for her excitement in getting an American Girl doll. It was so exciting just to watch her face all night after Lauren gave her one of her American Girl Dolls....named Josephina. It was so fun just watching the smile on her face all night. It was one of those moments that makes you happy to be a parent. She was floating on air, just smiling and looking at that doll all night long. She couldnt quite comprehend that she could keep it. The girls got a suitcase filled with clothing too. She is a happy child but its probably the happiest I've ever seen her. Beaming, how about that....maybe thats the word. Personally, I just couldnt keep my eyes off of her.
Jimmy had that same look the first time we went to Fenway. It was a couple of years ago when we went to the Futures at Fenway games. . Lyn and I were sitting a row behind him when we all first sat down. He had seen Fenway on TV many, many times before. We just sat and watched him. He had that eye opening look where he was just speechless panning from left to right field. He was just frozen staring at the wall, then to the bullpen and beyond. I swear it just takes the breath out of you. For Laura, it was the American Girl Doll day, taking the taxi and then seeing hundreds of those dolls all in line. Definitely the benefit that makes everything else worth it.
Little Franny was also at the party Saturday night. She is a cross between Little Patrick and Maggie. Overall, a very good time with lots of laughs.
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