Sunday, August 31, 2008

Weekend Fun

Took the girls to the Spinners game tonight. The party day started with an afternoon Labor party over Claytons house and Jimmy and Mommy and Jack went over aunt Chrissy's house. During the game a bunch of kids were going out to the field to do a dance to an irish dance and i asked the guy as they were going by us if they needed little girls to join and thankfully he did. After the game the girls got to run around the bases.

During the game both girls were wonderfully behaved. I asked Laura if she wanted something to eat and she told me she did. We had tickets that allowed us to go underneath the stadium and get good food so I asked her what she wanted to eat, telling her that I wanted her to eat something good. Without hesitating she told me that Cotton candy is real good for her. We all shared a huge plate of steak tips and then, of course, we had some cotton candy.

They also announced that kids could run around the bases after the game so there was no early exit. In the ninth inning the Spins got some men on base so I was very worried that they would tie the game up and go into extra innings. Luckily, it didnt happen and the base chase went on as planned. The girls had a great time. During the game we made our way to front row seats behind the dugout. While we were so close Catherine yelled out that there are the Red Sox. She was so impressed to be so close to them. Unfortunately, for the first time in a decade, I was without a camera. I took pictures with a camera phone and they are kind of blurry.
After we left the game we went over Aunt Chrissy's house even though it was a little late. There were still lots of people over and the kids cooked us some smoors.
When will those Rays start to fold?????

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

update to Patriots game entry

As I was reading over this post I remembered a moment from the last family christmas party where I recieved my portable grill. When everyone was doing the Yankee Swap, Grammy Franny had picked out a gift that someone had put in that contained a Chia Pet in a nice gift bag. I was worried about her for a minute because she kept it close to her and just kept holding it. I went over to her and protectively told her that there were a lot of better gifts for her. She told me that she really likes these types of plants. Something should have stirred in me but I dont ever remember her with any type of plants like those before, especially a Chia pet. Her age was a factor and everything always seemed to be overanalyzed because of that and because of our over protectiveness. I should have known better because about two minutes after the final gift was given I saw her reach to the bottom of the gift bag containing the Chia Pet and she magically pulled out $30 worth of scratch tickets. In the legal world that would be called insider trading. The kids, especially Laura, still talk about her all the time. Laura keeps asking about how the proper way to pray to Grammy Franny is. Patrick dropped off her bingo bag at our house last week and Laura wanted me to find a way to give it to her. She's still a big part of our life. In some ways it is sad but in other ways there is still a chuckle for the funny moments she gave us.....all the time.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Beach Party

today was beach day. We loaded up the hillbilly minivan and headed out to Rye Beach. It was crazy parking but once we got settled in everyone had a great time. We played volleyball, soccer, catch and collected some seashells on the beach.
After the beach we went over to Aunt Chrissy's house for some pizza and BBQ. Cousin Jackie was there with Makayla and Dominick.

Emily's Birthday party

Big bash over the cousins house for Emily's birthday party. There was a jumpy jumpy for all the kids and a pinata. Catherine recieved some compliments on her swing. The kids had a great time playing the whole time. Jack and I spent some time on the swings together. When I sat on the swing I heard a crack on the upper wood so I gathered myself off of that swing rather fast.
After the party was over some of the boys went out to the gentlemans club.....against my wishes of course. Eddie picked up one of Jacob's football helmet hoping to tell one of the dancers he was a Patriots player.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Patriots game

Jimmy and I made it to his very first Patriots game on Friday night. The exciting part was the tailgating in parking lot. We got this portable grill during the christmas gift swap and this is the first time I broke it out. Was perty cool thowing some burgers and dogs on it. Jimmy had everyone around him in stitches talking about the red sox during the patriots game.
It was so comfortable sitting on the chairs shooting the breeze prior to the game. As he is talking there was an older lady sitting a couple of feet away from him and they strike up a conversation. We would go into the parking lot and play catch with the football and the amount of playing field would shrink as more cars came in.
Again, as we got inside the stadium he says he is hungry and wants to use the bathroom, of course. He ate a whole pizza by himself and was looking for more. I swear he has a tapeworm.
It was great when we were leaving and the both of us just kind of looked out into the parking lot asking where the hell did we park. I was never so happy to see that old clunker. He had a good time. He called aunt jo on the way home and she was giving him the play by play on the sox game. Poor aunt jo was probably sleeping but some things are more important.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008

nite nite time

Girls went first tonight...because it was their turn. Went into the boys room and was talking to Jimmy and he was postponing the inevitable talking about Tom Brady. Catherine comes crashing into the room....went something like this....

C: (whining and weepy) Daddeee, laura called me bad name
Me: What did she call you?
(pause, silly look at me)......she pitter patters back into her room
C: Laura, what you call me again ??

Jim Jim and I started laughing and that pissed her off more than anything.
Sooo, i bring her into her bedroom and she's still mad at Laura, so I sit on the bed and just asked Laura to say she was sorry to Catherine. Now, Laura starts crying because she didnt say anything.....I got them both together and we joined in a wonderful song of Coooombiyah....that made them laugh. I picked Catherine up and was bringing her across the room when she screamed that Laura had kicked her.
What to do, what to do

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Swan Boats-2008 version

I always think back to the first trip to the ducklings when Jimmy was just a couple of months old. Everyone walking by stopped and stared at how cute he was sitting on top of one of the ducklings. He had this huge head but never stopped laughing the whole time. We havent missed a year since. Hopefully they dont get sick of it.

Today was the day we decided to make the annual trek to the Common and see the Swan boats. We found the ducklings and the baseball field full of puddles too. To start Jimmy was taking batting practice to the right of home plate. After his two tennis ball pitches Laura and Catherine would take turns with the wiffle ball bat and wiffle ball. Jack would come in and join whenever he wanted. I love it when he hits the ball and run run runs away. The ball kept going into the infield puddles so we moved the action to the makeshift homeplate Jimmy had carved out behind second base. Jimmy took one pitch and hit it far over the center field fence. The look of excitement on his face was priceless as he raised his hands way up. He kept asking me in the afternoon if I remembered him hitting that homerun as he went over it again. Its amazing how good he is getting in baseball.

Later on, we were sitting on the grass in between fastballs and soccer ball games when Laura and Catherine went up to these two girls who were braiding each others hair and asked them to braid their hair. The girls asked us if we minded and we didnt.

After we got home Umple Eddie, Kevin and Emma and their kids and Nana and Doe came over for some Cheeseburgers and hot dogs. I kinda burned the hot dogs but they were eaten anyway. Umple Eddie started a fire and we ate smoors until shower time. The kids really love their Umple.

***** PS to aunt Patricia, I changed your picture from my Godfather day.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Raindrops keep falling in baseball land

Friday, JimJim and I went to the Museum of Science to go to see the baseball Exhibit. After that We met up with Aunt Jo to go to the Red Sox. The Blatt's were also at the museum of science and Jacob came with us to Fenway. One of the pictures shows the little buggahs looking through the window at Little chicks being born out of the eggs. I remember when I was little watching the little chickies come out of the eggs.
At Fenway it started raining and never stopped. We sat in the Pavillion seats and they were awesome. It was so comfortable just sitting with my feat on the seat in front and looking down at the green monster. They didnt even need a game. We werent getting rained on so we could relax. Earlier when we were at the baseball exhibit at the Museum of Science, one of exhibits had a clip of James Earl Jones from Field of Dreams when he was talking about Bazeball(I love the way he said bazeball) and how people will come to the diamond just to look and dream. Its hard not to compare that scene to us just sitting there staring at the left field wall while the raindrops keep falling and no game is being played in front of us.
Most of the time Jimmy and Jacob stayed at the railing dancing and feeling the drops come from the roof above us. Jim kept going to the bathroom every couple of minutes and Jacob kept talking about the lightning that he would see in a distance and how the rain looks like it will stop shortly. The clouds were dark and darker above us. They told us how boring it was but it didnt seem like they were having a bad time at all. If you plopped a table in front of us and served us some drinks I would think that the atmosphere was better than any other restaurant could provide for us, even if the food was served in recycled brown pizza boxes.

went to the museum of science first with the blatts

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Some Random Pics

Just some random pics while I'm watching the olympics.


Baby Erin