It was a pretty cool weekend and week. Not exactly cool, but red hot. On Sunday Lyn and Marion had to go to Boston to see an old neighbor in the hospital. We all loaded up in the hillbilly minivan and went out to breakfast. Its getting easier to take all four of them out. They are good kids and as long as they have something to write on they are pretty good. They enjoyed Mickey Mouse pancakes and Catherine ate everything I had on my plate too.
Jack had to have surgery on Monday to take out his adnoids, a little tonsil and put some tubes in his ears. Jimmy and Catherine had to have similiar surgeries in the past. The worst part of the whole thing is bringing him into the Operating Room and leaving him there. They place the mask over his face and he gives me this look, his eyes are saying what did you do to me. Its just so unnatural to see them put the mask over his face and his little eyes turn red. You would think I would know enough not to look. I thought I could take it because I've been through it before but it still gets you. I felt as though I was lying to the little buggah.
Overall, he handled it all like a champ. After the surgery he just cried and cried until he got some magic juice which put him out for about an hour. He woke up and began playing like nothing happened. A little bit of a fever later in the day but Lyn didnt really let him out of her sight all day and he was taken care of pretty well.
Jimmy is in wrestling camp all week with Zach and Jacob. He doesnt seem too enthusiastic about it but he is looking forward to flag football camp next week. He went into a camp about two weeks ago and cousin Timmy came by to visit. Jimmy was telling the other kids that he was Timmy's cousin. Of course Timmy is like a rock star to these kids. Zach didnt believe him and went up to Timmy and asked him to confirm it. When Zach came back Jimmy was the coolest kid once again.
On Saturday James went to the Spinners game with Lyn when I got a couple of extra tickets and on Sunday we went to the game with the other two turkeys and their dads Bill and Mike. Jimmy got to go on the field twice. Both times he was out there to dance, one of the times to do the chicken dance. What moves that kid has. 

Catherine and Laura want me to take them to the Spins game soon too. I think we might go to the movies on Sunday instead. I'm not so sure they really enjoy the baseball thing enough just yet. They will get to go this year but I think they'll like that a little more.
The last two days all the kids have gone to Aunt chrissy's pool. Everyone shows up, there are usually kids all over the place so the kids love to play.
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