Wednesday, July 23, 2008

And more baseball

Last night Darlene and Bill invited us to go to the Spinners game along with Jimmy and Zach. I found a new Pizza place before the game, yummy. Zach owned the place. Everyone there seemed to know him and he seemed to know his way around pretty well.
The two turkeys, Zach and Jimmy, are like two peas in a pod. They have a good time together. Around the third inning we went to the Swamp which is an area by the left field bullpen where the kids can horse around playing games. When we got there it started to rain and didnt stop. The kids still got in some games. By far the best game was the monster slide. It had just enough rain on it to let the kids fly off of it at the end. I was the biggest kid on it and was soaking wet from being childish. They called the game after four innings so we filed out in a disorderly fashion. There is going to be a game where a foul ball is going to come our way and one of us has to catch it. He anticipates catching a foul ball. At one point he was sitting on my lap and jumped off and told me that I had to have room to catch the foul ball when it came our way.

Laura was telling me this morning that she wanted to be an artist when she grows up. Catherine, hearing this, said that she wanted to be an artist too. Laura then told her that she should be a doctor. This set off a firestorm for a couple of seconds because Catherine wants to be an artist now too. Laura even offered to have her artist shop next to Catherines doctors office but that didnt work.

This morning when I got up I was tip toeing past the boys room so not to wake them up but I was surprised to see the two of them sitting quietly on the couch watching the replay of..what else...last nights Red Sox game. Jack doesnt do anything quietly. He came onto the bed shortly after and the cat was out of the bag and all four of them joined in.

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