Saturday, July 19, 2008

Kung Fu Fightin-Panda style

Saturday, Zach came over to hang out with Jim Jim. When they get bored they have to pick on my poor little Laura. The songs that they come up with. Usually it has something to do with someone being stinky. I loaded up Jimmy, Zach, Laura and Catherine and we headed out to the movies to see Kung Fu Panda. It started out kind of slow but it had its funny moments.
Before the movie we went to WalMart and loaded up on tons of candy so each kid could have something to munch on. At the movies i had to keep saying shhhhh to all of them up until the point where I just gave up. We had a good time though and headed to get ice cream after the movie, it was very hot outside today.
This week Jimmy was in a flag football camp. He won the biggest trophy of all because he was the only kid in camp who was undefeated in games. They move kids around all week to different teams all week and there is two or three games a day. Jimmy didnt lose all week so he got the bragging rights.
Laura found our pictures from the trip to NYC and has been carrying them around again wherever she goes. I looked at her this morning and I just cant believe how big she is getting. There is a doorframe in Jimmy's room where I have placed pencil marks to show their height. Its unbelievable how much she has grown since we moved here and in the last year.
BY FAR, Catherine was the best behaved today. She was my superstar. When we went to the ice cream place she asks for purple ice cream and I have to whisper to the girl behind the counter that it is black rasberry ice cream. If Catherine hears me she gets all in a huff and tells the girl she only wants purple.
The Adnoidecdtomy (I may have made that name up) worked wonders for Jack. He is speaking so many more words since his surgery and is much more clearer. Thankfully, he is sleeping a little better too.
Umple Eddie challenged Laura to a game of basketball and was showing off his slick moves. Laura beats him on the outside game but he owns the paint. Here I think he was showing off his game.

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