Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Auntie Chrissy's again

Off to aunt Chrissy and Uncle David's house again for the pool and wiffle ball excitement. Cousin Nicole came over and was lounging around and stealing all the kielbasa from me. She told me that Strawberry shortcake is 20 years old. Just how the heck can that be.

Jimmy was playing with the big boys in wiffle ball and lounging with them, joining them when they were doing all these crazy jumps off the diving board. He would take his turn after they all took their turns trying to make the biggest splash. After a while he would chill out on the swing with cousin Carl. He was so cool. At one point many of the kids went over to join Carl. He seems to be pretty good with the buggah's.
Jack was running around the edge of the pool with his bubble on while Catherine was dipping her toes in and Makayla and Laura were swimming around like the pool sharks that they are. Dominick was hanging out with Jack running around edge too.

Jack cant get enough of Nana. She is BY FAR his favorite of all people. Even when she's not with him all he talks about is Nana Nana Nana. She doesnt get to eat when he's around. I think she likes it though. when aunt estelle got to the pool Jack looked at her and said "hi aunt estelle". He's nuts.
John was at the house and fixed our washing machine once again. The pipe to the street was all clogged and he had to break it and put new pipes in. I was going to do it myself, but...........I'm just too nice to him.
I caught Jimmy spitting on the ground while he was playing baseball today. He saw the baseball players on TV doing it, they all do it. The little stinker. He had three hot dogs at aunt chrissy's. Catherine is going to be covered in bandaids by the time she's ten.

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