Thursday, February 28, 2008

All done

Its done. Whether it went well or not, I have no idea. The bar exam is all that everyone says it is, and then some more. The first day, I thought I was going to have a melt down. I'm usually not so excitable either. I think the first day was sort of horrible, the second day was a little more promising but that is no saying much. Regardless, its over. If I didnt pass I'll just go back in July and pass it then.
Jimmy has been very impatient and was especially glad to see me when I got home. He couldnt wait to tell me about the Bruins and how well they've been doing. There is so much for the two of us to catch up on. Our spring training officially starts on Tuesday, though the Bruins are doing well lately so that might lengthen the frozen season. He made such a big deal about the groundhog and whether he would see his shadow. He asked me one night if I would tell him when I found out because he had to plan his baseball schedule. By the way, the groundhog did see his shadow for another six weeks of winter. that was about ten days ago and by the looks of things he wansnt screwing around.
Last Sunday I was unable to go to Jimmy's hockey game. I couldnt believe the phone call I got. HE SCORED AGAIN. It was the last game of the year, so he scored in the first game and the last game. I wanted to know all about it. He explained the whole thing about how he got a break away and shot the puch right between the goalies pads. Doe told me he grabbed the stick in his right had and started yelling. Jake was in the stands and the two of them began yelling at each other about the goal. I guess it was quite the thing. Jimmy told me that he almost cried when he scored and then he told me that the goalie did cry. I dont know what this is all about but it was cute.
When I got home tonight Cathering had a new Hannah Montana DVD and wanted me to watch it with her. That will have to wait till the morning.
I definitely missed the little buggahs the last couple of days. I'm not used to being away from them so long. Lyn said Jack was walking around the house today yelling "Dadda, Dadda" looking for me. I suppose its good to be missed sometimes.

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