Friday, February 08, 2008

Sick Sick Sick

eeek. Not the time to get sick. I guess everyone else in the house had their turn at getting a little under the weather and now it was my turn. I did a couple of hours of studying earlier and had to quit. Now i'm back at you can see. Yesterday, I did 11 hours of studying straight. Never done that before.

When I got home last night Jimmy was awake and came and greeted me when I got in. Everyone else was asleep. He just came and gave me a big hug and we talked for a long time. Everytime it was time for him to go to sleep he would tell me it was time to talk. I always find it cool to have convo's individually with the little bums. Jimmy wanted to update me on what day spring training starts and we talked about Currr Shillings shoulder. I cant wait until our Spring training starts so we can gear up for our opening day.

I hung out with the three youngest today. Laura was so excited because Threeeesa came over and picked up a present Laura had made her for her birthday. It was a bunch of little pieces of wood glued onto a block of wood and was painted with different colors. Catherine made a book full of drawings for her too.

Jack is still in the stage where he yells everytime someone comes into the house that he isnt so sure about. He has a death grip on me. He loves Frankie the dog. The other kids are okay with him but I think that Frankie will be Jack's dog.

It was kinda cool to just hang out on the couch with the three of them. Jack kept wanting to do the itsy bitsy spider and the two others would join in with the ABC's.

Tracy and Frank had a new baby boy last night named James Michael. I called her today in her hospital room. I didnt go over because I didnt want to get anyone sick. Thats all we need. She's a very proud mother of her boy Frankie. He is a cutie and is always smiling. Frank is also a great daddy.

Jimmy told Lyn last week that he doesnt want to play baseball anymore. Uncle Eddie told him that he had a great arm for football and is really fast. I think it was the whole Patriots and cousin Timmy thing. I told Lyn not to worry, one conversation and he was already swinging the bat pretending to be Whoo-go Lugo again.

18 days and 15 hours left........................
The darn camera is out of batteries so the hard drive on the computer is taking a breather.

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