Sunday, February 10, 2008

Nerves are shot, Itsy Bitsy Baby

My nerves are getting shot. There is so little time left so I decided to take a breather because i've been going at it for a couple of hours straight. My mind hasnt been used this much before so I think its evaporating brain cells.

I talked to Uncle Eddie this morning. He told me that he is so stressed out about the football season ending that he went to ultimate fighting Friday night. A whole different type of crowd he says. Laura had told me that I needed to talk to him because she made him a present for his birthday so she called and spoke to his brother Bobby. She's like a grown up now. She asks politely to please speak to Uncle Eddie and then she and Eddie get into a conversation about god knows what.

Anyhow, this morning I woke up earlier than I thought it was. Lying in bed little Jack, all 16 months of him, comes jumping into the bedroom doing this jumping jack thing. He was singing, pointing his arms to the sky throwing them to the side and then clapping. I couldnt believe he was doing the whole itsy bitsy spider by himself. When the rain comes down he throws his arms out, out comes the sun he reaches above like the great Barry Manilow and then descends downward until he completes with a great round of applause for himself. It was awesome!!!

A little while later I heard Lyn ask the kids what they wanted for breakfast. For some reason they all, at the same time, took that to mean that we were going out to eat. So we loaded them all up in the hill billy minivan, called and picked up Grammy Franny and went out to eat. Jack started to cry when we got into the restaurant but nothing that bad. Lyn told me that a couple sitting next to us were bothered....patooie on them......Dear Abbie would probably say that I dont have the proper the etiquette by bringing the kids to such a plack but...i repeat my patooie...
He did settle down awfully quick. Grammy Franny looked very good today. When we were walking into the place some guy came up to Grammy and congratulated her on her winnging $800 in bingo the other night....oooooooooooo, that is the number one cardinal sin of the bingo trade. Always lie about your winnings (and losing). She of course said she had no idea what he was talking about...hahaha.

After breakfast we went to Aunties Old Ladies home for a quick visit. The kids were fairly well behaved there and seemed to have a good time with Auntie. She seems to be doing very well these days and is adjusting to the assisted living. She gave each of the kids a gold dollar coin which they thought was fake. Little buggahs!

I must go back to studying now......did a five hour cram session which will be ten hours by the time I finish. Now I feel better though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the GREATEST blog i've ever read. I dont know how I came upon it but I want to take you home with me. :)