Saturday, February 16, 2008

Uncle Eddies Birthday

Eddie got the kids this mechanical horse that is awfully spooky. Its name is Butterscotch. The head moves, the tail moves and it nays. Its really freaky. I think i'm going to have nightmares.
It took Catherine a little bit to get used to it. I mean it, its freaky. I had to bring it downstairs for the night. Frankie was smelling its behind and the tail moved.
This is Jacks funny face
Laura had a ring of cake around her mouth.
It was Uncle Eddies birthday party at the old Ranch. I came home to find him on the couch reading to the kids. He looked so natural at it. The cousins were there as well as the Honnors clan and Nana and Doe.

oh yeah, 10 days left

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