Saturday, February 23, 2008

Three days and counting

Saddled with a case of insomnia and nerves of quaker oats I carry on.

James this week attended a baseball clinic along with Jake and his buddy Conner. All appeared to go well as the coaches apparently tired the hell out of them. I got to attend about a half hour of one day. The kid can swing a bat perty good. We are going to work on the knee dropping to the ground though. Last year I would show him how Dustin Pedroia would drop one knee to the ground sometimes when he swang and how not to do that. He, of course, still remembers that. I think the day i told him that Pedroia hit a home run after that swinging from the ass move so I didnt think it would stick but it did. He has made a list of things he wants to do when the bar exam is over. He keeps asking me about all the possibilities of what might happen..if i pass, if i fail.......I promised him a Bruins game in March and he isnt forgetting it either. Lyn tells me he brings it up all the time. I''m informed that he is suspended from using X-Box for two weeks. I didnt get the story of what he did but I bet its a doozy...two weeks....oooo
Laura FINALLY did a cartwheel on her own. When I got home last night she was doing it over and over again. Of course Catherine had to do her improvised cartwheel too....Lyn has been trying to show her how to do the cartwheel for a long long time now with limited success. I'd see her trying to help Laura do it over and over again. When Laura finally did one she told mommy that Emily was the one that taught her how to do it, not her. ooooo that went over well.
Catherine hasnt kept up with her potty training. She's regressed actually. She's still young...but boy she's potent. She's such a daddy's girl. I think she knows how to play me. She's always saddling up to me and she always gets what she wants. Go figure.
Jack was riding Frankie like a horsie last night. He has the funniest laugh when he gets going. Especially when he's crying and someone does something to make him laugh, you get a little chuckle and then he remembers he was crying and starts again.
Someone put a great bumper sticker on Marions car the other day. Because its a clean blog I wont mention what it said but it was racy in nature. Of course Doe told her not to throw it away because he knew someone who would want it...of course me. I had to take a cell picture of it and send it to niece Maura, the only one that appreciates my oddities.

Three damn days left and I feel like I dont know diddly. There are two different Bar Review courses that are offered and each has a different style of questions they give. I have them both. I get so distressed when I answer questions from one of them. Today I was answering the PMBR questions and was gettting too many wrong. It was depressing. I was seriously figuring I just wasnt going to pass because of it. I really feel like I just dont have all the info in my bean to answer all the questions......was that a vent?

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