Friday, August 28, 2009

Swan Boats-Boston Common

Another annual trip to the old Swan boats. Since Jimmy was just a big head and tiny body we've been coming to see the sights and freaks around the common every year. This really wasnt a planned trip. We just thought of it yesterday and off we were ten minutes later.
Getting out of the car we had four little voices screaming about going pee pee. After that little debacle we ran right into the little ducklings. As usual there was a crowd of people wanting to have pictures taken.
We went into the frog pond/wading pool. We havent really been quite open about them going in there in the past couple of years, maybe since that little incident there a couple of years ago. But, there were always other kids in there having a good time so this year we caved. Jack splashed some little girl and her daddy as they were walking by. I think he's already flirting with girls. hmmm.

Last year we went into the baseball fields and Jimmy was thrilled when he hit a homer from second base so he couldnt wait to give it another go. This year we got the far field which was a lot bigger. He still hit it deep in the gap in right center. Laura, Catherine and Jack joined in with their swings.

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