The strides the two youngest are making are simply amazing. Jack went from not wanting to stick his feet in the water to running in all by himself. He wont go in that far (thank god) but he is still going in. A lot of the time he wants me to carry him deep and we splash around past the rock. Catherine has made the biggest improvements. We have brought her for swimming lessons and she would have none of it. Even over Aunt Chrissy's pool, she would not pay too much attention to the swimming part except to stick a couple of toes in here and there. All of a sudden she is daring out to her belly button and even beyond. She keeps dunking her head under water and splashing all around. Having a great time I must add. She's thrilled; not to mention a thrill to watch. James and Laura have gone to the dock many times to do some jumping off. Nana brought them twice today and I brought them too. I have to be careful when I bring them because swimming is not my strong point but they are both good swimmers so they dont really need me. either way, the water is not something I want to screw around with. We are all having a blast with plenty more to come.
Hoping that aunti joe has something good to watch while she eats lunch.

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