Friday, August 07, 2009


Another day in paradise here. Jimmy has kept himself busy playing all the outdoor games with the older kids. The older kids are pretty nice around here and they let him play with them. There are some younger kids here too and they all play together well. They start with their own version of volleyball, then to wiffle ball and on and on. Laura had been trying like crazy to get herself to dive. as the time has gone by she has improved greatly. JoJo's arrival helped all that. Aaoron made his way here yesterday from DC as well as Kara,Jamie and their clan. Nana made her signature spaghetti sauce last night so we all had full bellies. All the kids have awesome tans. Jack has my skin tone so we have to worry about him getting a burn. So far so good here. Umple Eddie is supposed to make an appearance today. Its funny but Jack keeps asking where the Ump is.

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