Thursday, August 20, 2009

Spins game

Last night was the annual Mckenna Spinners game which was well attended once again. Jack is now getting to the point where he just about lasts the whole time...I said just about, but he was awesome really. They all got their foam fingers, multiple bad snacks, ice cream and such. Jack was real excited walking around the whole game with the big kids and finally getting to a real baseball game. He did surprisingly well, alot better than we thought he would anyway.
Jimmy ran into a bunch of friends from school, as always. The kids got to go on the field once again to do the Chicken Dance, not without a little controversy of course. I may have caused a little bit of a riot when I just put all the kids in the back of the line of kids to get on the field. Chicken Dance
That Catherine and Laura just smile their way through it all. They are fun to bring anywhere. Catherine just soaks it all in with that impressive grin when she's happy....and why shouldnt she be.

Ohhh, those two together.

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