We did have ONE rainy afternoon

Jackie engaging the ice cream guy

The two weeks just flew right on by us. It seemed like we just got there and then, poof.....it was done. We enjoyed the absolute best weather of the whole summer during those two weeks. The kids were so excited to have JoJo and Aaron come and spend a couple of days with them. They talk with her all the time on the phone and are very familiar with her that way as if they see her all the time. Kara and family also came by and spent some time with us also. The kids had their cuz's in the water with them and enjoyed it. Uncle Eddie also spent a couple of nights with us and stole my bed for that time. He spent the last half of our vacation at our house watching over Frankie. I hear a rumor that he also used the vacuum. Hmmm.
Eileen had the family party up at her place and Thresa, Bill, Patrick and David, Gerry, Yvette, Michael and Cassie, Kevin, Emma and the kids also showed up.
For most of the mornings Lyn and I did a five mile walk around the community and we included a couple of good side hills in there too. After that we headed to the beach and spent the whole darn day there with mister sun. Luckily, we lathered the kids in sunscreen. Jackie doesnt even look like he had a tan and we did have some massive sunny days. Our seats were right next to a big rock that was painted green to look like an alligator. Jimmy and Laura would swim out to the rocks with ease with Catherine and Jack kind of staying close by the shore with eyes never leaving them.
Jimmy spent alot of time playing volleyball with a bunch of other kids, playing a game of "newcomb" volleyball. Its a trip. These kids would make up rules as they went along, arguing about calls and rules like only eight to twelve year old kids could. When he was all done with volleyball he would venture out and see if there was a whiffle ball game somewhere nearby. I stuck around to watch him play alot but one time in particular was very interesting. There was a group of kids, teenagers, who were playing and they asked Jimmy if he wanted to play. It was pretty nice of them to ask. They took the game pretty serious. Jimmy being Jimmy was talking their ears off with baseball talk. He had made a couple of really good plays and just to watch the expression on the older kids face when he hit a homer was funny. One time he hit a home run and he was flying around the bases. I saw one of the kids give the other one a sideward glance as if to say what the hell is up with this. I dont think they expected to get serious competition from an eight year old.
Laura just took off with her swimming during the two weeks. She learned how to dive during this time. JoJo spent some time during her time here and the rest of the time Laura was diving like a pro. She was easily the best behaved little angel the whole time.
Catherine went from not even putting her toes in the water to venturing way into the water. We kept a very close eye on her and continually asked her to come in closer. What a difference from her sticking to the pool walls at aunt chrissy's pool.
Jack was awesome the whole time. He made people just stop and take notice where ever he was. Alot of time we went on the kayak around the lake. He sat in the front and was awesome waving to everyone and talking to me like he was the cool guy. We did have an unfortunate experience when the kayak did a tip with him in it. Enough said about that though.
Every day there was this boat that would come by with the ice cream truck song and park in the little gulley. Jack went nuts every day when that boat came by. When the guy pulled the boat up to the shore there was always a long line and jack usually started yelling as soon as the boat came by. He would be screaming "spongebob squarepants' over and over again. This was for the type of ice cream sandwich he wanted. the guy on the boat got to know him pretty well during the time we were there and would say HI JACK when he pulled up and saw our little buggah.
Then there was fishing: Lyn and I had bought fishing rods in preparation for this trip. Jack loved the thought of holding that fishing pole. When it was time for the worms to go on the hook, Lyn went into the jar of night crawlers and was putting them on. Jack, being Jack had to look on closely and want to do it himself like he'd been there before....until the worm moved. Flipped out! Thats putting it mildly. The worm wasnt supposed to move I guess. He bolted out faster than a jamaican sprinter. Pee in your pants type of laughter. Every time during the rest of the week that he would misbehave I would threaten him with calling the worms if he wouldnt behave.
The second week NeeNee and family came up to their house for their vacation week. Our little Jackie found a new idol in Kyle and found new best friends in Jack and Eileen. He got so excited every time he saw jack was a riot. Plus, Eileen took him out on her jet ski and he was with her yelling 'faster, faster, faster' like only he can. He had an awesome time during the vakay.
For most of the mornings Lyn and I did a five mile walk around the community and we included a couple of good side hills in there too. After that we headed to the beach and spent the whole darn day there with mister sun. Luckily, we lathered the kids in sunscreen. Jackie doesnt even look like he had a tan and we did have some massive sunny days. Our seats were right next to a big rock that was painted green to look like an alligator. Jimmy and Laura would swim out to the rocks with ease with Catherine and Jack kind of staying close by the shore with eyes never leaving them.
Jimmy spent alot of time playing volleyball with a bunch of other kids, playing a game of "newcomb" volleyball. Its a trip. These kids would make up rules as they went along, arguing about calls and rules like only eight to twelve year old kids could. When he was all done with volleyball he would venture out and see if there was a whiffle ball game somewhere nearby. I stuck around to watch him play alot but one time in particular was very interesting. There was a group of kids, teenagers, who were playing and they asked Jimmy if he wanted to play. It was pretty nice of them to ask. They took the game pretty serious. Jimmy being Jimmy was talking their ears off with baseball talk. He had made a couple of really good plays and just to watch the expression on the older kids face when he hit a homer was funny. One time he hit a home run and he was flying around the bases. I saw one of the kids give the other one a sideward glance as if to say what the hell is up with this. I dont think they expected to get serious competition from an eight year old.
Laura just took off with her swimming during the two weeks. She learned how to dive during this time. JoJo spent some time during her time here and the rest of the time Laura was diving like a pro. She was easily the best behaved little angel the whole time.
Catherine went from not even putting her toes in the water to venturing way into the water. We kept a very close eye on her and continually asked her to come in closer. What a difference from her sticking to the pool walls at aunt chrissy's pool.
Jack was awesome the whole time. He made people just stop and take notice where ever he was. Alot of time we went on the kayak around the lake. He sat in the front and was awesome waving to everyone and talking to me like he was the cool guy. We did have an unfortunate experience when the kayak did a tip with him in it. Enough said about that though.
Every day there was this boat that would come by with the ice cream truck song and park in the little gulley. Jack went nuts every day when that boat came by. When the guy pulled the boat up to the shore there was always a long line and jack usually started yelling as soon as the boat came by. He would be screaming "spongebob squarepants' over and over again. This was for the type of ice cream sandwich he wanted. the guy on the boat got to know him pretty well during the time we were there and would say HI JACK when he pulled up and saw our little buggah.
Then there was fishing: Lyn and I had bought fishing rods in preparation for this trip. Jack loved the thought of holding that fishing pole. When it was time for the worms to go on the hook, Lyn went into the jar of night crawlers and was putting them on. Jack, being Jack had to look on closely and want to do it himself like he'd been there before....until the worm moved. Flipped out! Thats putting it mildly. The worm wasnt supposed to move I guess. He bolted out faster than a jamaican sprinter. Pee in your pants type of laughter. Every time during the rest of the week that he would misbehave I would threaten him with calling the worms if he wouldnt behave.
The second week NeeNee and family came up to their house for their vacation week. Our little Jackie found a new idol in Kyle and found new best friends in Jack and Eileen. He got so excited every time he saw jack was a riot. Plus, Eileen took him out on her jet ski and he was with her yelling 'faster, faster, faster' like only he can. He had an awesome time during the vakay.
We also spent a day at at StoryLand where Humpty Dumpty was the was the star of the day.
It just didnt last long enough.
It just didnt last long enough.
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