Sunday, November 23, 2008

Weekend Update

As my job changed there certainly is less time to update on life. Last week my poor Laura was horribly sick. It lingered around for alot too long. We went to see the Doctor and all was fine until the nurse tried to get a sample to see if she had strep. She didnt have it. The Dr. said it must be a virus and we just had to wait it out. She's OK now.
Last night the other three kids went with me bowling for one of the grown up cousins birthday. Jim Jim did a really good job bowling but the surprise was my little Catherine. She was awesome. Even though her bowling consisted of going up to the line and tossing the ball up in the air, someohow the ball managed to find the pins most of the time. Jack tossed a couple of balls himself.
Auntie Jo was here on both Friday and Saturday due to Doctors appointments on Friday for Daddy.
We were going to go to Plymouth on Saturday to see the Mayflower. Jimmy is studying it in school so we figured we'd do it. However, the temperature just kind of changed our minds for us.
Umple Eddie was over on the weekend. I talked him into coming over and helping me move the freezer from one part of the basement to the other. I also stuck him with helping me with the garage door. He says he will now sleep for four days straight. Poor Umple.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Eddie. I hope he rests up.