Saturday, November 29, 2008


Awesome meal as always at Aunt Jo's house. We started by having Umple Eddie following us down the highway. The traffic was pretty bad but we eventually made our way there. The food was worth it. All the kids were running around and Umple got to watch the football game on the new TV with a seat arranged just for him. Jack didnt stop from the time he got there. He loves to run around, up and down the stairs he goes. The pictures mostly show the six grandchildren sitting on the couch because he just wasnt into sitting still for a picture. All the kids had a great time tossing their food all over the place. Jimmy remembered Easter at Aunt Jo's house so he reminded her that there must be an Easter Egg hunt so she was happy to oblige. Nana was lucky enough to have to chase Jack around for most of the day. I think he has her wrapped around his finger but she didnt seem to mind too much.
I still was looking for Aunt Jo's rice croquettes but was told once again that they are an Easter food and not Turkey day appetizers. Thats what it said in the newspaper though......

Dont they look angelic

Catherine likes these spokes.

I knew I had seen that pose before. (From Turkey day 2006)

I was looking for Thanksgiving 2007 pictures until I realized we were all sick last year and Thanksgiving at Aunt Jo's was cancelled due to pukedom. If I remember correctly, all of the little buggahs as well as the adults were tossing their cookies last year. This year I forgot my camera at home and used aunt jo's. I felt so naked without it but there was a backup thankfully.

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