Thursday, November 27, 2008

Almost Turkey day

Today was Jim Jim's day with Daddy. I promised him that it would just be he and I for lunch. He got off the bus around noon today and we headed out for some lunch....only the lunch spot was closed early due to the holiday. So, we settled for the coffee place for some decaf and sprite. Getting him one on one is pretty cool some times. He has all kinds of questions, some about baseball and others about life....and always leading to heaven. He was fascinated to learn that you can play hockey in heaven. Then he was very appreciative to learn that he wouldnt get there until he was about 100 years old. He could rest a little easier....I had the talk about the expected lifespan thing...he seemed to get it.
After the coffee shop we went to a real football field so that we could have some real plays...up and down, and then up and down the field again. We both tried kicking extra points after the long drives. I would take snaps and he would be the receiver. We would get about nine yards and then he would be imaginarily tackled so that it would set up fourth and 1. It would usually be a quick out to the sidelines for the first down and then on and one. When we scored a touchdown either he or I would kick the field goal through the uprights. Truth be told, we only converted one. After a while we had to go for the two pointer.
We have this "special" play only known to the two of us. First I take the snap..he then goes in motion and comes behind me from the left. I hand it off to him..he goes..dooo dooo dooo to the far side of the field, stops and then throws it back at me.....he then runs across the field so that I can throw him the flea flicker. It works more often than not.
By the time we were done I was done.....Had to go to work. He protested about leaving but he caved in when we busted the last TD on fourth and goal.
Tomorrow is turkey day over Aunt Jo's house. Umple Eddie is coming with us this year. It marks his first visit for Turkey day and all are excited about it. We will be heading with the Paternal side for Christmas this year over Patricks house. Its good to have big families for sure.
In other news....that Jack is becoming such a cut up. He loves loves loves the wheels on the bus. The way that I may go around the house singing my many songs, I can hear him in the morning singing -MOVE ON BACK- from the wheels on the bus song. Laura, Catherine and Jack did their version of the song today in the living room. It was a hoots with all the hand motions and extras added for fun. Laura is over her fever and back to normal now. She is getting so darn tall. She also lost another tooth...well, it was loose and Lyn brought her to the Dentist who pulled th sucker. Catherine kept showing us her teeth too. She is sooo funny. Always has a smile and a hug ready. She gets into whatever it is she is doing. She can be playing with a specific toy and really pays attention to what it is she wants to accomplish...of course until she throws it on the ground when she's done with it.
Ahhhh....they are so much fun....what would we do without them.

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