Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election day

Jimmy came home from school all excited to tell Mommy that he was going to vote for Barack Obama...saying that name over and over and over. He wanted her to take him. She informed him of the whole voting age thing. Then Laura came home and informed Lyn of the same thing about Obama. The constitution came up in conversation and Laura wanted to know who this Constitution person was. Anyway, the funniest part of this is that Jimmy wants to vote for Obama because Obama used to play first base for the Portland Sea Dogs baseball team. I dont know where he got that information but he really believes it.
I decided it wasn't worth my arm sticking out my grave forever so I caved.
Laura has also been keeping a journal, even though her spelling skills are still limited to three lettered words. She puts in her words and draws a couple of smalll pictures. Jimmy made the grave mistake of looking into her journal and she freaked out. She knows that journals are secret to the person who writes them.

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