Saturday, November 29, 2008


Awesome meal as always at Aunt Jo's house. We started by having Umple Eddie following us down the highway. The traffic was pretty bad but we eventually made our way there. The food was worth it. All the kids were running around and Umple got to watch the football game on the new TV with a seat arranged just for him. Jack didnt stop from the time he got there. He loves to run around, up and down the stairs he goes. The pictures mostly show the six grandchildren sitting on the couch because he just wasnt into sitting still for a picture. All the kids had a great time tossing their food all over the place. Jimmy remembered Easter at Aunt Jo's house so he reminded her that there must be an Easter Egg hunt so she was happy to oblige. Nana was lucky enough to have to chase Jack around for most of the day. I think he has her wrapped around his finger but she didnt seem to mind too much.
I still was looking for Aunt Jo's rice croquettes but was told once again that they are an Easter food and not Turkey day appetizers. Thats what it said in the newspaper though......

Dont they look angelic

Catherine likes these spokes.

I knew I had seen that pose before. (From Turkey day 2006)

I was looking for Thanksgiving 2007 pictures until I realized we were all sick last year and Thanksgiving at Aunt Jo's was cancelled due to pukedom. If I remember correctly, all of the little buggahs as well as the adults were tossing their cookies last year. This year I forgot my camera at home and used aunt jo's. I felt so naked without it but there was a backup thankfully.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Almost Turkey day

Today was Jim Jim's day with Daddy. I promised him that it would just be he and I for lunch. He got off the bus around noon today and we headed out for some lunch....only the lunch spot was closed early due to the holiday. So, we settled for the coffee place for some decaf and sprite. Getting him one on one is pretty cool some times. He has all kinds of questions, some about baseball and others about life....and always leading to heaven. He was fascinated to learn that you can play hockey in heaven. Then he was very appreciative to learn that he wouldnt get there until he was about 100 years old. He could rest a little easier....I had the talk about the expected lifespan thing...he seemed to get it.
After the coffee shop we went to a real football field so that we could have some real plays...up and down, and then up and down the field again. We both tried kicking extra points after the long drives. I would take snaps and he would be the receiver. We would get about nine yards and then he would be imaginarily tackled so that it would set up fourth and 1. It would usually be a quick out to the sidelines for the first down and then on and one. When we scored a touchdown either he or I would kick the field goal through the uprights. Truth be told, we only converted one. After a while we had to go for the two pointer.
We have this "special" play only known to the two of us. First I take the snap..he then goes in motion and comes behind me from the left. I hand it off to him..he goes..dooo dooo dooo to the far side of the field, stops and then throws it back at me.....he then runs across the field so that I can throw him the flea flicker. It works more often than not.
By the time we were done I was done.....Had to go to work. He protested about leaving but he caved in when we busted the last TD on fourth and goal.
Tomorrow is turkey day over Aunt Jo's house. Umple Eddie is coming with us this year. It marks his first visit for Turkey day and all are excited about it. We will be heading with the Paternal side for Christmas this year over Patricks house. Its good to have big families for sure.
In other news....that Jack is becoming such a cut up. He loves loves loves the wheels on the bus. The way that I may go around the house singing my many songs, I can hear him in the morning singing -MOVE ON BACK- from the wheels on the bus song. Laura, Catherine and Jack did their version of the song today in the living room. It was a hoots with all the hand motions and extras added for fun. Laura is over her fever and back to normal now. She is getting so darn tall. She also lost another tooth...well, it was loose and Lyn brought her to the Dentist who pulled th sucker. Catherine kept showing us her teeth too. She is sooo funny. Always has a smile and a hug ready. She gets into whatever it is she is doing. She can be playing with a specific toy and really pays attention to what it is she wants to accomplish...of course until she throws it on the ground when she's done with it.
Ahhhh....they are so much fun....what would we do without them.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Jimmy's First Play

James had his Thanksgiving day play with the other 2nd graders today. He stood next to Charlie. They were awesome and really got into their singing. My little cowboy had some issues about being thankful today. god, life is so sad sometimes... When they were singing Charlie and Jimmy were dancing all around, not even getting silly at all.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Weekend Update

As my job changed there certainly is less time to update on life. Last week my poor Laura was horribly sick. It lingered around for alot too long. We went to see the Doctor and all was fine until the nurse tried to get a sample to see if she had strep. She didnt have it. The Dr. said it must be a virus and we just had to wait it out. She's OK now.
Last night the other three kids went with me bowling for one of the grown up cousins birthday. Jim Jim did a really good job bowling but the surprise was my little Catherine. She was awesome. Even though her bowling consisted of going up to the line and tossing the ball up in the air, someohow the ball managed to find the pins most of the time. Jack tossed a couple of balls himself.
Auntie Jo was here on both Friday and Saturday due to Doctors appointments on Friday for Daddy.
We were going to go to Plymouth on Saturday to see the Mayflower. Jimmy is studying it in school so we figured we'd do it. However, the temperature just kind of changed our minds for us.
Umple Eddie was over on the weekend. I talked him into coming over and helping me move the freezer from one part of the basement to the other. I also stuck him with helping me with the garage door. He says he will now sleep for four days straight. Poor Umple.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The not so Quiet boy and more

You know those kids that wake up, need their space, give them a cup of milk and some cheerios and they quietly watch TV for an hour or so until they really wake up.....yeah, he's not one of them. Pure bedlum from the word GO.
Jimmy had a hockey game on Sunday and once again...he scored. He sure has a nose for the net. His team lost 7-2 I think. Umple Eddie came to the game. Jimmy kept asking all week if the Ump would show up and was very happy when he did. Nana and Doe also joined in the cheering section.
Laura is very very sick tonight. I get so nervous. At least we have someone around who is rational. I'd be bringing her to the hospital after a sneeze.
Catherine was very excited today after school because she made a bottle with marbles in it.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Catherine's Police Hat

Catherine loves her police hat. She has ripped it a couple of times. Laura loves to draw. She is so artistic...and she so loved her Greferee (Grammy Franny).

Monday, November 10, 2008

Cuz Patricks B-day and....that Laura

The Family spent Sunday going over to Kevin's house celebrating little Patricks birthday party. The whole fam was there. Sean and Karen had their new little buggah there too. Afterwards, we went over to Bill and Thresa's house where Big Bill built a mountain of Bud Lights in front of him. He ended up spilling one on his lap after making fun of Lyn. It was karma I say.
Now for that Laura...On the way to the birthday party we were going past the local Burger King. Outside the Kings restaurant there were a couple of "ladies" walking in with their kids. They were dressed as some who paid no attention to the recommended sizes of their clothing. Laura looks at them and says--Hey, I thought you could get fined if you trick or treat, its not Halloween anymore (thinking they were in costume).....I almost pee'd my pants and got into an accident. She had no idea why I was laughing.
This afternoon we went and picked up the kids at school. After we picked up Laura and were waiting for Jimmy, William came over while he and Tracy were waiting for Clayton. The two lovebirds were sitting together so I moved over and went to take a picture with my cell phone. As I was about to click Will put his arm around her.....ahhhhhhhhh those buggahs.
Jimmy had his first hockey game of the year and he scored on a breakaway. He is getting much better in hockey but baseball is still his sport. He cant wait for the announcement of the MVP award. He's hoping for Dustin to get it. Lyn and I went to meet with his teacher tonight at the school. All the kids love going to school. I got to chaperone on Friday when the kids went to a play called Junie B (I think) Jones. It was pretty funny.
With all these new babies around, I'm thinking we are due for another one.............

Eileen and Baby Franny.

i think she looks like NeeNee

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Bruins with the Bro's

These cell phone pictures just dont cut it. Went to Boston for the Bruins game with Patrick, Gerry and Timmy. We were missing Jackie so we made sure to send him a cell phone picture of us and also had a beer for him.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Bus talk

Jimmy informed Laura and I this morning that the talk on the bus is that once Obama gets to be President he's going to make all the kids go to school on Saturdays and Sundays and on holidays like Christmas. I think he already has a future in politics with that spin.

The writer of this blog is not responsible for the content of the Quote of the Day.....unless of course it starts with "Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl..."

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election day

Jimmy came home from school all excited to tell Mommy that he was going to vote for Barack Obama...saying that name over and over and over. He wanted her to take him. She informed him of the whole voting age thing. Then Laura came home and informed Lyn of the same thing about Obama. The constitution came up in conversation and Laura wanted to know who this Constitution person was. Anyway, the funniest part of this is that Jimmy wants to vote for Obama because Obama used to play first base for the Portland Sea Dogs baseball team. I dont know where he got that information but he really believes it.
I decided it wasn't worth my arm sticking out my grave forever so I caved.
Laura has also been keeping a journal, even though her spelling skills are still limited to three lettered words. She puts in her words and draws a couple of smalll pictures. Jimmy made the grave mistake of looking into her journal and she freaked out. She knows that journals are secret to the person who writes them.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Laura's Ears and then some

The beautiful ear has been punctured. She woke up early this morning and kept asking over and over when she was going. Kara ultimately came by and brought her. They did both her ears at once. From what I hear she said ouch and then moved on. She is holding up all the extra earrings she got.

Catherine sees the big deal that everyone is making about the earrings and now she informs me that it is her 6th birthday and she wants me to warm up the car and bring her to the ear place. So....what started as waiting till the girls turn 12 is now turning into me caving into Laura's 6th and Catherine at age 3.

Jimmy had Zach and Parker sleeping over last night, Laura got to sleep on the top bunk in Jimmy's bed. The turkey's slept on the living room floor with Jack waking up at 4am for good...The boys behaved pretty well.

Uncle Patrick came over yesterday with a bunch of books for Jimmy. I had no idea what they were but when Jimmy saw them he was jumping for joy. They are called Matthew Christopher books and he knew all about them. He and the boys were reading them last night before bed while watching the Bruins. It was an exciting Bruins game for to have some of his buddies over for. Lots of scoring and lots of fights.

In other subjects, the Keurig coffee machine is the greatest thing ever invented. I thumb my nose at that Dunkin Donuts place while driving by. We get our fix at home now. If youre coming over, bring the light cream.

Jack is cutting down on our supply of bandaids on a nightly basis. We have to give him a small bandaid on his finger and then kiss it all better. All the kids have done that at one time or another. Catherine still does but not as much. Its amazing what a bandaid can cure.

Umple Eddie came over on Sunday for the football games. We have to get him a better chair. When he lies back on the recliner he sometimes gets excited and tips it over. The last time Jimmy helped him down and almost lost his foot doing it. Uncle Timmy came over today too to pick up Parker and I ended up putting him to work fixing Laura's bed. What else are brothers for. Patrick was also over both days of the weekend taking care of the leaves. Parker kept Jimmy busy the whole day playing baseball and going to watch Clayton play in a football tourney. Jimmy is going to add football to his list of sports next year...hopefully the year after that but I know he'll be asking for next year.

Eddie wants us all to go to Camden yards next year for a baseball game. A couple of pictures left from Laura's birthday celebration.

Reeses Peanut Butter Cups

Mike offered me a bucket of candy as a dowry. I was hungry......

Those peanut butter cups. They are my favorite. I think I am becoming one. And another thing, Peter Pan, Robin Hood...arent they interchangable. i'm not so sure I've watched either.
Last night we had the awesome, fun time of walking the streets in search of tricks or treats. For the second year in a row Clay, Will, Tracy and Mike came to join us. This year Zach and Darlene also walked the streets. Umple Eddie wore a baseball head mask for a little while while he pushed Jack on the stroller. Jack stayed in the stroller so Eddie would run up to the door trick or treating.

All of the kids were very well behaved and we were all done by a little after 7pm. Afterwards, the Blatts came over with Grammy Micki and the kids.